Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 15,697
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sebastian Price First Year | The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura listened to the Professor and then went and got the ingredience that the Professor had told them to get, it was whilst she was doing it she suddenly realised something, well she would just have to ask Professor Lafay a question, raising her hand Laura smiled at the Professor. "Will we be needing our wand Professor?" Yeah because there was a small problem if they did, one Professor Hadley had her wand and two it was broken and that was why Professor Hadley had the wand. " Yes." Hecate said glaring at the annoying Hufflepuff girl. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Had this girl been taught anything at home? As in, even one tiny, little detail? Sierra was raised in a pureblood family who used on magic at home. Nothing was done the Muggle way. She'd come to Hogwarts needing to learn, but...she'd at least had a basis to go by. "That doesn't mean it's clean," she pointed out. "Dust can get inside, and so can...well, anything. Potions are mixes of many ingredients, and if there's just one little thing in there that doesn't belong, it could mess up the entire brew." She smirked at the girl. "Even cause it to explode." Heh. "That's why she asked about the Five C's of Potion Making. Cleanliness is one," she added. She gestured toward the girl's cauldron. "Point your wand into it and say--Scourgify."
Sierra watched her mother with a pair of concerned-looking eyes. She'd have to be Little Miss Helpful in this class whether she liked it or not. If she didn't, her mother would get too easily angered, and that's when the gray stuff... Well...yeah.
She left her table and went toward the storage to gather the ingredients she'd need. As she walked there, she passed by the elf. Horrid creature. Still, though, she had her mom to think about. "Beezley, please just go. Please," she said. "I'll look for the brooch when class lets out, but please just go now."
She gathered the materials then went back to her cauldron. " Miss Greingoth, you will leave this classroom at the end of the lesson, as will everyone else." What was wrong with these kids! Quote:
Originally Posted by Beezley
Beezley was frozen in place with a look of horror on her face. She shut her little elfish eyes tightly, preparing to be in so much trouble. Beezley shouldn't look for the brooch in classes anymore. Beezley had been such a bad, bad elf.
She was being told to get out, though, and get out she would do. She looked toward the group of students who'd tried to help her and who'd said nice things to her. Beezley would bake them extra cookies, she would. "Yes, Missus. Beezley will leave now. Beezley has been a bad, bad elf," she said, bowing. She looked at the studentsies with a slight shine in her eyes then with a SNAP, she was gone. " Finally..." she said watching the elf leave. Quote:
Originally Posted by CherryBlossomRose The kid seemed suprised she hardly knew any magic. Seri had thought there were loads of half-bloods and muggleborns, but of course a Slytherin would be so naïve as to think that all of their own must surely be purebloods to the highest degree? Apparently Shiny Bdage Child was one of those pureblood maniacs she had heard about... But she did have a shiny badge.
Ooooh, Seri kinda understood. "Its like when I got my ears pierced! And you have to put funny stuff on them to keep them clean and nice so you don't get infections!" Seri couldn't believe she hadn't made the comparison before, though she had had trouble putting that stuff on her ears for a couple weeks, so the idea of remembering to say this everytime she made a potion.. whatever. The ScaryLady would never notice if she 'forgot' to clean it out, and how would she prove anything?!
Explode? That sounded like something she and Lex could use. And also as a last resort for when they finally got round to breaking into Hadley'a office. Otherwise she'd use some kind of muggle trick with a hairpin. How James Bond. To satisfy the girl, Seri pointed her wand at the cauldron, and remembered the incantation; "Scourgify!" Seri said firmly. "Scourgify! Scourgify! Scourgify! See? DOESN'T WORK!" Seri huffed. What was it supposed to do anyway? Like, how would she know it worked? Would the cauldron suddenly turn a gleaming porcelain?
Apparently this kid was a goody-two shoes or very concerned about the Professors teaching skills. " If you haven't learned simple charms yet, do not brew this potion. Sit behind your prefect, or an upper classmen, watch them and learn." Merlin's beard! These kids were getting worse and worse. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin "You're welcome," Vivi muttered sarcastically as she finished cleaning the mess the rude little elf had made and hadn't even stayed to clean herself. So much for no good deed going unpunished.
She quickly vanished the remaining spilled potion and broken glass with a murmured, "Evanesco", before returning to her heating cauldron.
It wasn't really a good moment to say something preposterous and stupid to one Genevieve Branxton, and yet the professor seemed determined to try her luck. Vivi was sorely tempted to toss her shoe at the woman, but considering the rather pleading looks coming from Louisa and her own decision to work on impulse control, Vivi opted instead for a pleasant (and scary) little smile and a tone of voice that was overly sweet if tightly controlled.
"I apologize, Professor. At Beauxbatons, Monsieur expected students to come to class with their equipment already cleaned and ready for immediate use. I'm happy to clean it again for you." Seriously, woman? Wasting their time making them reclean a cauldron that should have been cleaned and inspected prior to class? The bumbling idiot who forgot would have an exploded cauldron - a lesson that wouldn't soon be forgotten again.
With that same tight little smile, Vivi vanished the water from her cauldron, gave it the most cursory of cleaning spells, and refilled it to the brim with water. Anyone who knew her well would have been able to see the frustration and unhappiness in the tense lines of her body, but she didn't suppose anyone at this school did know her that well.
Vivi spent some moments reading the board and recopying the list of ingredients before moving. Not only because she wanted to continue to work on impulse control, but because the rush at the cupboards would be dwindling by the time she got there.
Strange list of ingredients, all very dangerous on their own. And this was to be ingested? Or perhaps a topical application? Regardless, it had her wondering if the underclassmen would be expected to test their own potions.
Once the line cleared, Vivi made her way to the cupboard and carefully chose her ingredients based on the list in her hand. It was hard not to take more than she needed, but she was already pressing her luck as it was. No stealing from the professor today.
Back at her seat, Vivi set out her ingredients in a neat line before resuming her seat. She folded her hands in front of her and smiiiiiiled at the professor again. She turned to the child and glared. Was she trying to be patronizing? " Monsieur must not know that by simply carrying your cauldron to class, dust can settle inside it, and with a potion as delicate as this one, any outside particle can seriously harm it..." He could have also not taught difficult potions, or he probably didn't allow the students to test it on themselves... SPOILER!!: Good Kiddies! Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight Nerida kept quiet during the situation with the house elf. It was now where for her to speak her mind and it seemed the Professor wasn't doing very good anyways. She quickly clean her cauldron, "Scourgify." The cauldron was clean and than Nerida pointed her wand into the cauldron before saying "Aguamenti!" She said finite once the water filled up to where it needed to be.
Once she was done she waited for further instructions from the Professor. Wow, a lot of people took what the Professor had said to the house elf seriously... She was suddenly happy she hadn't said anything to the Professor. She copied down the ingeridiants off the bored before standing up to go get the ingrediants. Once she was finished collecting the ingrediants she walked back to her seat and waited for some more questions. - 1 cup of valerian root ✓
- half a cup of Kava Kava ✓
- 1 deadly nightshade berry ✓
- 8 leaves of devil's weed ✓
- 1 cup of Poison Hemlock seeds ✓
- 1 poppy flower ✓
- 10 leaves of Calea Zacatechichi ✓
Originally Posted by Macavity Lafay was clearly bothered by the intruding house-elf as well the students who stuck up for said creature. However the reaction given was far from what was expected almost as if the potions mistress was holding herself back. That certainly seemed odd for the woman but one couldn't be too choosy if it meant student and elf alike both escaped relatively unscathed.
Right...back to potion.
As the list of ingrediants appeared on the board, Gideon copied them all down into his notes, double checking the names and amounts before getting up from his workstation. The seventh year moving to the storage closet and going to work collecting all the items on the list. When he was sure he had everything, the Gryffindor returned to his cauldron, setting the supplies carefully down on the station and awaited the next move. Quote:
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife Kat gulped. At least Lafay didn't burst her bubble like what happened earlier. Think of the bright side, Kat. Then Lafay had commanded told the students to get the following stuff that were on the board. Going to the storage, Kat took all the things she needed.
... 8 leaves of Devil's Weed, check... 1 poppy flower, check... 10 leaves of Calea Zaca-something, no wait... that's only nine. Kat then took one more leaf, and proceeded back to her seat. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen His dreams of falling-- some would probably call a trauma that has to be addressed--but there are elements in that dream that he clings to. The last vivid images of his mother, her dying scream-- the handful of things that makes her real to him and not just a beautiful lady in photographs.
No he wasnt letting any of that go, no matter how morbid it sounds.
He picked up the cauldron and scourgified it and was just checking for dents and cracks when he was startled by the Professor's booming voice. What there was another elf? Like everybody else he was peering at the elf's direction when his head snapped back towards the Professor. House Elf flesh? Oh please no! If he couldnt even stand the Plimpies being harvested....
Yep more chaos.
It was a little hard to concentrate for a while what with the stuttering elf, things breaking and about half the class up in arms (well as best they can for a Lafay class anyway) about the threat to the House Elf's well being. Addy was right, they were just following orders, and seriously this side of the pond has quite a bit to learn about treating others fairly and equally.
Wait now someone asked about the 5C's of Potion Making. Raising his hand he replied "Professor, the 5C's of Potion Making are Cleanliness, Content, Color, Concentration and Care."
With that answered, Vickers took up his quill and copied down the ingredients for his notes then paused, worry clearly etched on his face. Most of these are sedatives and hallucinogens, more than half has had the infamous history of being used as poisons. He shifted his gaze worriedly at the Potions Mistress-- he sure hopes she was fully aware at what she's trying to make them do. Quote:
Originally Posted by nups21 Ira gulped down, and looked at all the happening around her wide round eyes. Better to just concentrate on making the potion right. Yeah, it was better than getting involved with a house elf and all. Definitely better!
Ira quickly copied down the list of ingredients required from the blackboard on to her parchment, and hurried to the storage. But before that she raised her hand up and had just begun to answer the 5C's of potion making when another answered it. Nevertheless, she still replied, "Er... Cleanliness, care, content, concentration and... color, Professor. Those are 5C's." Yeah, 5 done, she counted. So she was right. Saying so, she put her hand down, and went to the storage to retrieve the required ingredients.
Once she had the items needed, she returned to her table by her cauldron. The water was nearly boiling by now.. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory decided he'd better just concentrate on getting his potion right. Professor Lafay was in a very bad mood.
He copied down the ingredients as some of the students listed the 5C's of Potion making. No sense repeating it.
The badger then went to the storage cupboard to get the required ingredients and returned to his cauldron. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Abby stared at the professor for a second before she turned to look at Beezley. UGH. Poor elf. She kind of wanted to comfort the poor thing but she was scared Lafay would snap her head off... and gosh. Lafay was looking worse by the second. She wondered what was actually wrong with her..
Abby watched the ingredients appear on the board and she copied them down before heading over to the storage closet. Oh gosh. Some of these items had really absurd names.. After she finished collecting them all, she carefully placed the ingredients on the station and waited for further instructions. Quote:
Originally Posted by xXxPandora Beezus flinched at the woman's glare. But later got rid of her own mess.
She deserved it though. So she only nodded silently, "Yes Professor Lafay" I will try not to break anything. I can't promise but I will try. Especially not today that the woman seems flustered. She might be sent to detention, so yeah, she'd really TRY to be careful.
When the situation was in control, Beezus got around to finally lighting the fire below her cauldron and as the ingredients were listed on the board, she quickly copied it on a spare parchment before grabbing a small tray, filing next to her classmates as they took the necessary ingredients. Then she loaded those into the tray she brought with her and carefully paved her way back to her workplace.
Okaaay.. she might get around this lesson without breaking anything else...hopefully. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahlooo There was a LOT of commotion going on in the classroom. Lafay was yelling (as usual), students were scared (as usual), and the house elf was being dumb (as usual). Milton ignored most of it, since it kind of happened ALL the time in potions class, but the ONE time he did look up... he kind of STARED.
Was Lafay.. drooling? Grey stuff? Ew.
Milton blinked a few times and tried to register what she just said. Ingredients! Right. He shook the weird image from his brain before heading over to the storage area and grabbing them. When he came back to his desk, he copied them down into his notebook. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Potions Mistress Lafay! Is how Kurumi wanted to reply to that at first, but Kurumi ended up simply biting her lip and chewing on it anxiously. Punishing a house elf for doing what their species just does is like telling a human that they are going to be punished for breathing. So...if the Potions Mistress felt that a punishment was needed and that she would carry it out...then Kurumi was going to respond. Especially when house elves were concerned.
Relaxing into her seat a little as class progressed some - deciding not to chime in with everyone who was reciting the 5 C's of potion making since Professor Lafay had asked for someone instead of someones - Kurumi now realized that she had been squeezing Lewis' hand like she was trying to juice a lemon. "S-Sorry," she squeaked as she slowly let go of his hand and set it on her lap.
Why didn't any of the other prefects speak up though!? Kurumi was slightly disappointed...didn't they appreciate the house elves' efforts too? If it had been a student they would have jumped up to keep them from Dragon Lady punishing them...why was a house elf any different? Both were beings...
Frowning slightly, Kurumied picked up her quill and wrote down the rest of the ingredients on her parchment before heading over to the supply cabinet with her wand in hand, flicking it here and there while she cast Accio to summon the ingredients she needed before returning to her seat and setting everything out.
Once that was done, Kurumi lit her burner with a quick Incendio and then lowered the heat a little while she waited for what was going to come next. She did flash a small smile towards Beezley. She would try to stop by the kitchens after class.
And...wait...had Professor Lafay just...grey...stuff....why? Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger So far so good. At least, it didn't look like Beezley was going to lose any body parts or anything, so Kendall had gone back to watching the water in her cauldron. She hadn't gotten the brunt of the lecture about cleanliness either, since she'd remembered to. She felt sorry for Beezus for having gotten yelled at, though, and hadn't been able to help peeking over at Professor Lafay as the yelling had continued. This is not good, she thought, noticing how the professor kept wiping her mouth and hiding something behind her handkerchief. She didn't want the professor to faint or anything, and part of her hoped that nobody else did anything to make her angry. Maybe if they all just followed instructions, class could go on without anything happening. Maybe. Hopefully. It seemed like people were trying to do what they'd been told, anyway, and she peeked over to see if Beezley had left before turning her attention to the board and the instructions that had started to appear there.
Copying the ingredients down as listed, she'd noticed that Vickers seemed kind of uneasy about something as he'd done the same. At least it didn't have anything to do with her, so she pushed that to the back of her mind as she finally stood to go over to the cupboard to collect what she needed. Nobody was going to die, not on her watch. Even if she didn't know what was going on or how she'd do anything about it if anything did happen. She was going to go with the idea that as long as she followed instructions, nothing bad would happen. And she quietly collected what she needed and returned to her seat. If only she knew what to do with any of it, so she went back to just waiting for the water to boil. Picking up her quill to idly sketch in the margin of her journal as she waited to see when they'd get more instructions. Quote:
Originally Posted by hjhm Juliet heard things just going not so under control. Her eyes glanced over to the area. Potions and chaos, such as this should not go well together considering that they are handling with vital ingredients that can either break you or worse........... kill you. Students should really be careful of what they're doing.
Apart from that problem, let's not get Professor Lafay mad.
Good to know that she is on the dot with the whole Potions thing. Next is to gather all ingredients. Walking towards the cupboard with all the ingredients on jars and whatnot, Juliet managed to take all it and went back to her seat. Setting it all into the table and placing them all neatly and properly.
Kava kava. What is a kava kava? Juliet looked at the ingredients and managed to see a container with the same label. Good. Now she's ready. Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower The water was bubbling when Sarah remembered that she had not cleaned her couldron befre EEK. She quickly turned off the flame, used tergeo to empy the caldren. Once the couldron was empty she used scourify to clean it. Finally she began the process again with arguamenti and then incendio... Finally, relieved Sarah listened to next instructions
Sarah went to the store cupboard for her supplies. She loaded her arms with the ingredients.. careful as not to drop them. She was rather scared about having a reaction to the deadly nightshade berry and why was devil's weed called devil's weed? Was it... poisonus? She shrugged it off and placed the ingredients on her workspace in order you see. Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker Cassia was glad that Lafay just shouted. That should let the house-elf go away, right? But what is the professor wiping off her mouth..nah it's nothing. Twelve-years imaginations.
Anyway, back to the potion making that hopefully won't include any house-elves organs.Cassia remembered that she hadn't yet set the fire under her cauldron. Oops. "Incedio," She murmured pointing her wand under the cauldron. All done. Now to go and fetch the ingredients. Cassia scribbled down what was on the board. She stood up and skipped towards the storage. Can she skip? Because you know walking regularly is so much boring.
She shrugged and carried on he bouncing till she reached the storage. She glanced at the list and started searching for the ingredients. That shouldn't be hard as most of them had labels and so. And so she stared gathering them. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltSword Befelda felt sorry for the elf. She quietly whispered on the elf's ear, "Don't worry Beezley. Just be careful next time.", she said to the elf.
She then put her attention to Professor Lafay. She brought out her wand and cleaned her cauldron, "Scourgify!". After cleaning, she poured water in it, "Aguamenti!", then put fire, "Incendio!".
After putting fire on her cauldron, she then quickly listened to the Professor to what she was saying. She checked the board and copied all of the ingredients in her notebook.
After copying, she hurriedly headed to the storage and collected all the ingredients in her notes and went back to her seat. Ok, now to wait for the next instruction., she said to herself. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Hannah really hoped that Lafay was not going to have another least not in front of her. She jotted down the list of ingredients from the board and went over to the storage cabinet to collect them all.
She checked them off one by one and returned back to her desk to wait for further instruction. She knew better than to chat in this class not that she was even in a chatty mood. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva felt a little bad for the fist year, she remembered how nervous she was the first class with Lafay. Taking out her parchment she pulled out the piece with the five c's written on it. After four years she didn't need them written anymore. They were in her memory. She walked them over to the girl, "Here keep these with you it will help, the five C's are cleanliness, content, color, care, and concentration." she walked back over to her cauldron and pulled out another piece of parchment to write down all the ingredients.
After writing them down Minerva moved to the cupboard to collect them all. She double checked her parchment just to make sure she had everything before getting back to her cauldron and setting everything in a neat order. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella was growing more concerned by the second, not that this was unsual for her in this particular class. Though the concern wasn't for her own safety this time, it was for Professor Lafay's. The woman was growing increasingly upset, not good considering how sickly she still looked. Plus she kept wiping up...something from her mouth. Erm...that just wasn't normal, right? Was she going to vomit or something? EEP. That wouldn't be good, not god at all. The third year tried not to get too ahead of herself with the worrying, knowing she had more jobs to do, like going to get her ingredients. Right. Scribble. Scribble. Scribble.
When she was done copying down the list of ingredients, Ella got up and began gathering the ingredients she'd need for the potion. She was a bit surprised, mostly because the ingredients seemed quite dangerous on their own. P-poison? They were using poisons? How was that even okay? Seemed pretty dodgy to her.
The third year finished gathering her things and sat back down, putting the items in a neat row in front of her. There, she was ready. Quote:
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh Yep. It was better she never got involved. Renesmee looked up only once and was actually surprised that Lafay hadn't gotten to mad yet. Usually she was shouting and screeching at the kids by now, clearly she wasn't feeling up to it which in a way was good for some of the kids.Especially for Kurumi at the moment...
The captain turned her gaze towards the Gryffindor prefect and started to feel a little bad for. First class of potions and Lafay was already giving her trouble. It didn't seem really fair, but then life was never fair.
Anyways back to potions.
Renesmee took down the igredients on a piece of parchment and then got out of her seat, heading towards the storage room. She went in and out the storeroom a few times, but after her third trip she had everything she needed all set and ready on her table. She then sat down eyeing the ingredients with a pout on her face. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel got up and went to get all the potion ingredients with the weird names. What is a Calea Zacatechichi. Nigel could not even pronounce it. He looked at the list he brought over and picked out all he needed.
He walked back to his seat, took out his textbook, and looked up Calea Zacatechichi to find out what it was. Quote:
Originally Posted by Fira It was a good thing that the potions classroom was so close to the common room so he did not have to be worrying about being late to the class. It was not the same with the other classes which was held in the highest towers of the castle. Even though he liked sports, climbing so many stairs was a boring task. For some reason, he felt the most comfortable in this classroom, as well. He seemed to be pretty content as he looked at the professor who kinda looked like she was sick.
He just stared and listened to others after the dream question as he had nothing to say. He did not think he dreamt anything last night or perhaps he did but did not remember any of it. It was no problem though, the class was going nice until...
...that house elf appeared.
Seriously? This class too? Why were those stupid creatures everywhere? Ugh...Rich hated house elves and they never stopped annoying him with their existence in this school. Filthy creatures. He glared at the creature fighting the urge to say something. He wanted to...
Haha. But before he could do anything, the professor kicked the stupid creature out. Hahahaha. He had already started to like the woman. Of course, there was a reason she was the head of house. Since the elf got what it needed, Richard relaxed a bit and cleaned his cauldron with Scourgify before murmuring ''Aguamenti'' to fill it. Once he thought there was enough water in the cauldron. He stood up and went to collect all the ingredients on the board. Of course, while doing so, he paid extra attention to get the best of the each of them. His potion had to be perfect, after all. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Addie listened carefully to her head of houses instructions making sure she would follow everything knowing that the teacher could be fairly strict. Quickly she whispered "Scourgify" to make sure her cauldron was completely clean so she wouldn't get in trouble because of that. "Aguamenti...Incendio" were the next steps creating the water ready to be boiled and made into a potion.
With a quick look at the board to double check that she knew the ingredients she needed to get Addie quickly headed to the Potions ingredient cabinet and collected the items before heading back to her seat and arranging them nicely on her workstation in order of the list. Addie scribbled everything down quickly in her potions journal then waited for the next instructions. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Annabelle knew the professor was angry with the house elf interrupting her lesson. Belle knew she would be angry too. She heard the professor flick the board to go get ingredients.
Belle made her way to the supply closet to get what she needed while her water heated up. She got the valerian root, kava kava, deadly nightshade berry, devil's weed, posion hemlock seeds, poppy flower and 10 leaves.
Hmm these ingredients seemed somewhat dangerous....
She copied down the recipe to her notebook. Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven Gary just frowned to see the ingredients that she wrote on the board. What's on Merlin's beard are them? Okay, maybe he would be familiar with some of them. But Kava kava? Calea... what? He just scratched his head and walked to the storeroom. The blonde guy grabbed all the things that will be need to make this potion. - 1 cup of valerian root (check)
- half a cup of Kava Kava (check)
- 1 deadly nightshade berry (check)
- 8 leaves of devil's weed (check)
- 1 cup of Poison Hemlock seeds (check)
- 1 poppy flower (check)
- 10 leaves of Calea Zacatechichi (check)
Good! He got all of the ingredients and now he walked back to his desk and waiting for the next instructions. See? Professor Lafay looked not very healthy today. Just hoped that she wouldn't pass out at the class. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Her posture relaxed more when the professor caught herself from shouting. Once Lafay wrote up the ingredients, Louisa stared at the list for a moment, memorizing as much as she could and then headed with the other students to the storage. Usually the ingredients would be organized on their work tables, but now they had to take them to their tables. It was another proof that the Potions Mistress wasn't as well as she makes it out to be.
The Ravenclaw grabbed the containers of nightshade berry, devil's weed, and Poison Hemlock seeds first and to her table. Then back to take the poppy flower and the leaves of Calea Zacatechichi. Lastly she got the cup of valerian root and the other half of Kava Kava. With that her table was ready and she could write down her notes. Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Well...wasn't class becoming more...interesting by the minute? Hmm. She didn't think Lafay seemed quite well enough to be teaching...she was drooling or something. It was weird, and it weirded Elliot out. Weren't adults supposed to be..immortal? They don't get sick...or have real lives, right?
Time for some POTIONS!! Ah, not that exciting, but at least Elliot wasn't horrible....or breaking things, by the looks of the rest of the class. People should really be more careful. She stood up from her chair, pushing it in slightly as she went to go get the ingredients...Merlin...there were some WEIRD things on the list...
Valerian root...the nightshade berry...where was the kava kava?! Oh...Elliot sifted around and found some..devil's weed, hemlock, a poppy, that strange leaf thing that Elliot didn't really know how to pronounce. Hmph.
She sat back down, hoping Beezus didn't cause Lafay too much trouble by breaking anything else. They were currently in FIRST PLACE and Ravenclaw BETTER keep it that way! Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay Ethan copied down the ingredient list in his Potions journal, green eyes scanning the list again after he wrote. He had most of those items in his personal store as they were all herbological... he possessed all but the nightshade and hemlock. Nightshade and hemlock? The fifth year shot a tentative look to Lafay. Those were poisonous.. were they meant to ingest them? Still, he wasn't about to question her... yet. Besides, maybe they would have a different effect once brewed with the other ingredients. Potions had a funny way of doing that sometimes.
Once the crowd had thinned, the Ravenclaw made his way up to the cabinet. He gathered all of the ingredients, even those he already had. Why deplete his own supply when he was told to take from the storage anyway?
" Alright, once the water is at a good boil, you should add the valerian root, and the Kava Kava... I store them both in liquid form, so it will just mix itself real easily. Who knows what these two ingredients are and what they do to their drinkers?" She asked the class
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