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Old 09-29-2012, 10:34 PM   #175 (permalink)
Formerly: Tegz
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Hobbiton
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

x12 x12
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Not wanting to be seen near the orange table she went to get a drink, poured herself one CAREFULLY... she did not want to spill you see then she drank it contently. Now she could think.

Locomotive meant to move or something. Substitutiary... perhaps that meant to substitute? Which means to fill in something for some one.. Wait... she had watched this before at Grandma's house... it was on VIDEO CASSETTE! She blurted out"giving life to things without".. yeah there was a song to it:
Treguna Mekoides and Trecorum Satis Dee
Substitutiary locomotion
Mystic power that's far beyond the wildest notion
It's so weird, so feared, yet wonderful to see
Substitutiary locomotion come to me

That is where she had heard it before. She better tell father that movies could be useful and intelligent.. why it helped her in school. Wait, her dad was not meant to know that she had watched that movie at Granny's house. Father said that watching movies and television was only for old people that had nothing better to do in their lives... Yet wahat father does not know won't hurt him... or mother for that matter.
She could see little Sarah thinking hard over there and she smiled encouragingly. Did she have something to say? No? That was okay.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
As for the other half of what Cela had said...that Kurumi could think on for a moment. Substitutiary Locomotion.... The locomotion part of that was obvious enough - movement. If it was like the Locomotor Charm, it meant animating something. Something inanimate. As for the substitutiary...erm...that word meant...erm...replacing. Right? A uniform replacement of sorts. So.... replacement motion?

That was just sort of confusing her a little. Unless....

Hand up! "Cela, is this...related to the Locomotor Charm? Where we, um, animate something that has been inanimate and...maybe...our movements replace an object's inanimate ones?" Just to try and throw some of her thoughts into verbal ones.

Did that mean that they would swap?! Like...if they took the suits of armor and did this dance...that they would become animate for a time while they froze?

Kurumi couldn't deal with more freezing....

Oh, wait! Orange wedges? Don't mind if we do!

"It is! This predates the Locomotor charm though, like with a lot of spell steps,"
Including Higitus Figitus which had become the packing charm as she'd mentioned earlier, "They've been refined over time and simplified for wand usage. Our movements don't quite replace the inanimate movement though! Wouldn't be much use if you froze, would it?"

Originally Posted by verbain View Post
Once it was all over, Theodore slouched in his stance as he listened to the incantation part. HUHHHH? It was such a mouthful! And even though Cela said muggleborns may know about the 'substitutiary locomotion', he sure didn't, but he'd take a guess for sure. "Well........ I heard a song once by a lady and it goes..." He paused, YES, he was going to sing this out loud. "Come on, come on, dooooo the locomotion with meeeee." It was quite a famous song, so he didn't feel the need to sing any more.

Anyway. WAAAAAAAAAATERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.... The boy rushed on over, and drank a whole two cups full. Exercising was thirsty stuff. His hand out was on the side, but he wasn't paying much attention to it just yet.

"Ooooh I don't know that one, you can sing it for me later."
She winked at the small boy, glad he'd given an answer.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Didsomeonesayrefreshments? Grin. Ella headed over to get herself some water and an orange wedge while she thought over what Substitutiary Locomotion meant. Substitutiary sounded like substitute. So...this whole dance was just kind of taking the place of something else, yeah? As for Locomotion...that was movement. So erm...the dance was a substitute for um...a way to make things move? Hey! That made sense. Hand raised, the badger tried to explain what she was thinking. "I um..well I think that the dancing is a substitute way to make things move? Like maybe a substitute for a movement charm or something..." That sounded legit, yeah?
"Good guess." She agreed with a smile. And on the right track, as hopefully Ella would see when Cela demonstrated.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post

"It seems like a lot of steps just to make something move a little, so I would think it would hope the incantation would fully animate a chosen object."

"It does! Particular sorts of objects at least."
There that was a hint.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
The Puff raised his hand. "Does it have to do with swapping one movement from something to another?''

"Close. Not quite swapping though."
She said with a wink.

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
And they were done... almost. Louisa stopped, still smiling, and waited for a few seconds to gain her breath back. She held the handout when Cela distributed them and stared down at it, tilting her head as she followed the map with her eyes. Hmm. And the incantation was just as FUN as the little dance! Heh. Oh and the others already voiced out what was in her mind. "I agree with animating objects, make them move." Nodnod.

And because she was feeling how parched her mouth is now, she nudged Vickers with her elbow, "Want some water?" Even if he didn't really dance as enthusiastically, he was probably sweating from nerves, heh heh heh. She headed for the table to get one for both of them.

"Making them move yup." Nod nod. She smiled at the Head Girl.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
So she went back and shuffled, looking very awkward indeed, and then pointed...redid the two steps after that...and now the hard part...jAzz hands. Merlin. WAH. PIVOT?!?! Elliot didn't get it..."I" she said, raising her hand.

Elliot hated dancing. It was official.

"Sure sweetie, I'll help you out in just a bit." She said with a cheerful smile.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
"Is it like if you don't know the lyrics. You can make up some words, and a dance. Then it will work if you believe."

It kind of sounded like what happens in a Disney movie. Which was awesome because there is a lot of magic in those movies. Now it was time get get some water and some orange wedges. Nigel runs over there grabs a cup of water and drinks it completely in a couple gulps. He grabbed another drink and drank that normally. Once finished drinking he took a orange wedge and went back to his place eating it on the way.

Celandine giggled. "Well, that's the basis for magic isn't it? Incantation, Movement, and Intent. Creating spells is a little more exact than that though."

Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Belle needed some refreshments. She went over to get some oranges and water. She downed the first water bottle. Then she ate her orange. Then she heard the professor ask a question. "Does anyone know what Substitutiary Locomotion is?"
Belle did not know, but she would take a stab at it. "Professor is Substitutiary locomotion like some spell that you can't understand but it makes things move when you believe they can. All it takes is a little faith."After she answered, she read the sheet with all the footsteps labeled. Now it made more sense.
"Well, that' how its described by muggles in how its adapted for a disney movie. But we can understand how it works: incantation, movement and intent." It worked because theyyy were magical.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Sierra's hand shot into the air, but most of that enthusiasm was because the dance was over. "Well, locomotion is movement, of course, and substitution is when you replace one thing with another," she said, working out the meanings. "So maybe we're taking out one element and replacing it with another? People are saying it means giving movement to something that shouldn't move, so I guess we're replacing the stationary part of something with...well, movement."

Yup. That sounded good to her, at least.

"That's some good figuring out, Sierra!" Celandine agreed and then addressed the class as a whole.


"Substitutiary Locomotion is magic which allows for things that usually require OTHER things to make them move, to move all the same. In particular, things which usually are moved by people liiiiike...."
She went over and opened the cupboard against the wall, a WHOLE lot of robes and shirts and pants and shoes and gloves and all sorts of clothing were within. "Like clothing!"

So now she'd demonstrate, but first; "The better you get at it,the more items you can move at once, together, but when you first try, just choose one item and aim to get it to DANCE!"

She herself stepped away from the closet ready to demonstrate.

"Treguna Mekoides Trecorum Satis Dee!"

...As she began, a shirt 'peeked' out of the closet and was soon tucking itself into a pair of pants, which then 'stepped' out of the closet...

Tap!Ball. Swwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
Jazz hands!
"Treguna Mekoides Trecorum Satis Dee!"

...It held out a sleeve, and a pair of long ladies gloves took hold of it and followed, along with a lovely flowing dress. They were joined by matching shoes, and the two outfits marched out to a bare patch of floor...

Step and sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiide!
Pivot and power!fist!

"Treguna Mekoides Trecorum Satis Dee!"

....and began to waltz around to the rhythm of Cela's spell.

She went through the steps and the incantation a few more times, expression intent on the 'dancers' while she smiled happily at their antics. They continued to dance, even when she stopped.

"They'll keep going for a little while!"

She faced the students again, bright smile in place while the dancing outfits waltzed behind her. "Okay if you're ready to try, go grab a piece of clothing from the closet! Shoes, a shirt, robes, anything! Just stick with one item though!" She'd been practicing a LOT longer after all.

"If you still need help on the steps, come over here and we'll work on those!" She shifted to one side and waved encouragingly at Elliot, and at Harlow, if she didn't feel ready.

"Lets get started! Everyone take an item of clothing from the closet, return to your spot, and put it down in front of you, so you can focus on making it moooooove while you do the spell steps and say the incantation!"

She went ahead and put on some music too, not loud enough to drown out the spells but so that there'd be something rhythmic for the clothing to continue to move to.

ooc: If anyone has questions they can ask them, and if they need help come over to Cela and she'll help out, but otherwise this is the fun part woohoo.

Have your charrie go to the closet and choose one item of clothing, and then they can try out the spell steps and the incantation to get it moving.

It mayyy take up to three repeats of the steps to get it moving completely, and I'll leave it up to you to judge how well your items dance (and what kind of dancing is up to you as well if you want your shoes to bust a move on their own thats fine by us)

However, everyone that completes the steps and says the incantation should manage to get their item moving!

There is no minimum or maximum number of posts, just have fun and follow instructions and do as much or as little as you think your charrie is capable of.

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
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