Text Cut: Last two steps
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Tap!Ball. Swwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
Jazz hands!Step and sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiide!
Originally Posted by
Tap!Ball. Swwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
Jazz hands!Step and sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiide!
Pivot and power!fist!
Hopping, clapping, WIGGILING, kicking.. tapping balling aaaaaand swinging! Louisa was getting really comfy, she didn't have to look down at her feet now but rather grin and look up at their instructor in the front. This really felt relaxing and fun after a week of intense study and NEWTs preparation, maybe she should make it like a routine in the weekends, you know, to let out some stress and passive energy. Also she could lose some weight after a few weeks, Louisa was an eater when it came to stressful times.
More moves were out!! Woot! Louisa paused for a bit, catching her breath and pushing the hair away from her face, wiping her sweaty foreheads in the process and watching the others try this. Aaaand now she had to do it, starting only from the new steps. OKAY. Take a steeeep, jazz your hands aaaaand sliiiiiide. That was easy, you just had to make sure not to bump into Vickers or the other person on the opposite side. Now the next was to pivot on right heel aaaaand 180 degrees then FISTPUMP!
Shuffle & pointing!
Tap, ball aaaaand swing!
Jazz hands!Step and sliiiiiiiide!
Pivot and power!fist!
Text Cut: Cela again :3
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"That's all the steps everyone!" Cela clapped a few times and waited for everyone to look at her before adding, "What we are learning to do today is called Substitutiary Locomotion. There are other ways to do it of course, but nothing near as fun as this!" Some of the Muggleborn kids might know what the next part was, if they were up on their 100 year old Muggle films, since elements of it had been included in one,
"The incantation is Treguna Mekoides Trecorum Satis Dee, which we'll repeat, at a rhythm, while we do the steps!" Yup! "But before we do, does anyone know what Substitutiary Locomotion is? And if you don't know, take a guess! Oh and there's water on the table, and orange wedges there for anyone that wants a refreshment before we tackle the spell!"
She went over to one of the cubbies and took out a stack of papers.... which she passed out too. Upon which was a map of the steps for the spell, along with the incantation written down.

youtube + 'substitutiary locomotion' will set you freeeee. That clip from the 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks' movie is pretty much what we are doing except with added dance moves.

Cela will provide some more details about the Disney connection too. Guesses about what substitutiary locomotion is/does are totally encouraged. Basically if you don't think your charrie will know about it, then have them take a stab. You'll get more points for creativity and participation than just being right for the sake of being right

Elsewise feel free to RP your charrie getting water or oranges and looking over the handout

as long as you're doing something you're doing great
And they were done... almost. Louisa stopped, still smiling, and waited for a few seconds to gain her breath back. She held the handout when Cela distributed them and stared down at it, tilting her head as she followed the
map with her eyes. Hmm. And the incantation was just as FUN as the little dance! Heh. Oh and the others already voiced out what was in her mind. "
I agree with animating objects, make them move." Nodnod.
And because she was feeling how parched her mouth is now, she nudged Vickers with her elbow, "
Want some water?" Even if he didn't really
dance as enthusiastically, he was probably sweating from nerves, heh heh heh. She headed for the table to get one for both of them.