Text Cut: Badger Lady XD
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Minerva was dancing.. well more like jumping around the stands where the professors were sitting still having no luck getting them up. She was really enjoying the help from Oakey, they still made a pretty good team even if he didn't know it was her under the costume. That's when she heard it, the song she suggested to Alec he was yelling it out well singing it loudly. She began singing it through her costume;
Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is
Everything I do, I do it big
Yeah, uh huh screaming that's nothing
Minerva started using the song to dance with a beat hoping the beat could inspire some adults **wink wink** to come dance as well...
Dylan entered finally after trying to navigate his way through the school in this costume! It wasnt easy when the head was so big and you were a little.. little. But he finally managed it and went to the Gryffindors section "
ROAR!!!" he yelled out so that everyone would see that he was here, in a costume.. as they all should have been! He was excited to be here soon he would be playing out on that pitch now that he had made the team, he just hoped that he could make his team proud.. if not he would just keep trying until he did. It was then that he noticed a... badger? well that badger was going to some lion treatment, cause that badger needed to know who was boss.. the lions were and he was dressed as one so it was his duty to show that.
He went over to the badger as it was doing some funny... dance.... thing.. with a hufflepuff and singing an awful.. awful song. Dylan raised his eyebrows under his costume... were all hufflepuffs this .... crazy?... weird? well there were two so... that meant they were all like that right? he looked over at the others.. as if he was expecting them all to get up and do this.... funny dance thing and sing that song... but no-one was. So he decided to show them he was there... the coolest lion of all.. going to scare a hufflepuff out of their costume.. Lol! He took a deep breath and let it out "
ROAR!!!!" he then ran a few steps back so that the hufflepuff in the costume wouldn't be able to catch him or even fall over on top of him. So maybe this was going to be fun afterall!