Text Cut: Almoooond
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He frowned at her slightly, it was strange that people could get this excited about a house. Was it bad that he was just here to try and understand why people got so frustrated when their house was losing? It was pretty clear to him now, though.
Following her to the corner, he smiled at her observation. "Yeah, I didn't think I'd have to, but it seems that I was wrong." He looked out over at the sea of yellow, blue, green and red around the stands. "Eh, I'm fine about being here, I'm just confused, mostly." He shrugged. He hadn't been at Hogwarts long enough to understand the extent of the house proud nature of every student. "And it's very loud." Extremely. He only liked noise when HE was the one making it.
Confused? Abby made a face and ran a hand through her hair, watching all her house mates jump around. Heh. They were all acting crazy. All of them. "I mean, I like being a Hufflepuff and all but what's the point in yelling and screaming? I don't think I'll ever do anything like that.." Jeez. Abby would rather jump in the lake rather than make a fool of herself.
Text Cut: Minerva
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But wait was that two Hufflepuffs sitting quietly not looking like they were having fun. Minerva wasn't really sure she knew either of them, but that is why she wanted the get to know you party so badly. Running over to them she danced around yelling "Woot woot" and "Hufflepuff..Hufflepuff.." cheering she hoped to get the up cheering with the rest of her house. She didn't want to see anyone not having fun.

"Do you mind!?" Abby yelled at the girl who was jumping around her and Almond. Did people go out of their way to annoy the heck out of her? Like, she was already risking her hearing by being here.. wasn't that enough? Oh gosh.
"Could you.. um.. cheer elsewhere please?" She tucked her hands in her coat pockets, hoping the girl would just go away.
Text Cut: Ness Ness
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Time for some school spirit, and time to loose your voice to the point where you couldn't speak anymore. All dressed in yellow and black, Renesmee made her way towards the stands. No little Puffles on her shoulder for a change, he was with her bestie and had been for quite a while now. Hopefully she'd get to see the two of them today, but she knew Thomas didn't always attend these things. Who knew though, maybe he'd attend today?
Adjusting her
Captain badge, Renesmee made her way towards all the yellowness, she then took a seat and watched everyone else for a few moments.
Was she supposed to shout like Selina was? Because erm that was not her thing. Also she didn't want too much attention today. Her hair was a mess from the wind and everything she did to it, wasn't helping. Meeh. Ness got onto her feet and stood up.
"BLACK AND YELLOW! BLACK AND YELLOW! AHA! YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS BLACK AND....." Okay this was just embarrassing to Ness and if her cheeks couldn't tell that, then the fact that she sat down again, hopefully would.
Abby jumped when someone nearby started to yell REALLY loud. Like, people weren't deaf so why yell!? She cringed before looking at the owner of the voice. Oh, wait. Wasn't she the quidditch captain? The girl frowned at her before she leaned forward slightly to make herself heard.
"Hey, could you please lower your volume?" Pretty please?