Text Cut: Ethan ^.^
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Ethan stepped into the Homework Room, noting that it was quite full of students. He spotted a few familiar faces, but, as they all seemed to be intently working, he merely walked through the room, not wanting to disturb anyone's work. Eyes scanning the mannequins, the boy finally found the one marked as his. He frowned as he thought of his experience in class... all he had been able to produce was that dingy, threadbare t-shirt. The boy knew he wasn't the best at Transfiguration, but, Merlin... he'd think after the bazillionth try in class he'd be able to do better than that.
Perhaps it was his intent that was off. He wasn't entirely sure of what he had wanted the trash bag to transfigure into and he hadn't bothered with a sketch. Maybe that's what he needed. He stared at the bag slung about the mannequin's body and chewed his bottom lip as he contemplated what he might like. Maybe something with house colors...? After a moment's thought, the fifth year pulled out some parchment and sketched a
shirt, making notes about the color and design.
She couldn't just leave Cuddles in the common room, despite the cat house this whiney snuggly cat refused to stay with Viole, Louisa's other cat. Very spoiled and bratty! The seventeen years old carried her feline in her arms, the tabby cat had her smirky victorious cat-face on, and on toward the mannequins. Hers was easily identified, seeing as her class try was screaming
orange shade (very useful in the dark, Louisa figured) and with no holes for sleeves or neck. Yes, it was just a squared cloth of bright orange color that Louisa called a top.
Kneeling down Louisa dropped her kitty on the floor, eliciting annoyed meows, and stared at her mannequin. She'd taken off the arms and the neck was covered with the cloth, seeing as it was an epic fail. Since when does Louisa miss with transfiguration spells? Hmph. Sighing and shaking her head at that thought, the girl took off her backpack and plopped down on the floor by her kitty, a parchmen clutched in her hand. Trying to make an outline for a design could be helpful, right? Right.
It took her a couple of more minutes, staring and scratching her chin up at the mannequin before she noticed the lack quills in her HUGE useless bag. Internal groan. She looked around and saw a Ravenclaw boy nearby, sketching. AWESOME! "
Hey, pssst!" She didn't want to raise her voice in a room full of thinking students, she might get a block to the head. She paused... grinned and coaxed her cat to go over to him to get his attention.
Cuddles didn't want to approach the stranger at first but when her owner seemed so eager and showed how important it was for her (the feline) to do this mission, Cuddles proudly got off her bum and skipped over to the he-human. She nudged his foot with her head, nudge nudge.