YEAH. Today was a skipping kind of day. Because Alice felt peppy. Very peppy, indeed. The girl was decked in red and gold, from her red tee to her gold and red sneakers to her
lion hat. Oh, yeah. She was so ready to get her Gryffindor on. The younger girl bounced over to the other Gryffindors, giving Selina and Gideon salutes and Melanie and Landon little waves. This was going to be the best pep rally
What? Vindictus couldn't hear them? He couldn't hear the peppiness?
The Gryffindor may have been small, but she had the biggest mouth around. Cupping her hands over her lips, she shouted as loudly as possible.
"ROAR, ROAR, GRYFFINDOR!" How was that for peppy? Good, eh? She just hoped she hadn't burst the eardrums of her fellow lions. She waved her arms at everyone else in red, beckoning them over to the Gryffindor area of the stands.
AND. Finally. Their shouting had paid off, she realized, when Vindictus pointed to them.