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sarahlooo Milton watched as Addy got even more mad. Merlin's trousers, her eyes seemed to be on FIRE. Milton's own eyes widened at the sight.
And what the heck was a glandular problem?! "I don't what that means!" he yelled back, but it was nothing compared to her banshee screeching. She was almost as bad as the Hufflepuff Captain. SHEESH.
Suddenly, Milton found himself unwillingly walking over to the fiery ginger.
O___O whatthehell?!
His eyes flickered to the unnaturally large cat that was growling and staring at him. Yep. Officially freaked out now. "Okay, okay, okay!" he said, raising his hands in surrender. "My apologies. I won't vomit on your cat ever again." Pink swear?
IT MEANS HE'S FAT AND HE CAN'T HELP IT!" Addy shouted right back at the boy. Now Yoda hissed and swatted his paw at the Captain in vain. Not like his fat paws could get to the boy, but it made him feel better.
Yoda would LOVE to get his paws and teeth into the other human making his master ANGRY. LOVE IT. But, unfortunately he was in a position that he could not seem to roll himself out of. He flailed his legs about and tried to push himself over so he could get to his feet, but it... Just... would... not... WORK.
More hissing and paw flailing at you, SIR.
Addy's eyes remained locked on Milton as he began to walk to her, a smirk playing at her lips. "
No, no. You MUST apologize to Yoda, Milton. He's not just some dumb cat, he's my familiar and he has feelings. Which YOU hurt when you projectile vomited on him." Addy finally scooped the fat beast up and held him out toward Milton. Addy smiled sweetly as Yoda's ears pressed back against his head and he let out a menacing hiss. "
And you better mean it. And I think you should also promise to stay out of my chair while we're at it." Or else Milton would be waking up with CAT vomit on his bed. Heh.