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Old 09-27-2012, 05:24 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Text Cut: Peoples in the Office
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Punishment; well yes, she wasn't naive enough to consider that someone would have been cruel enough to dare her to wear the sign. Went into the Forest? But ..... like Sutton had already asked, why would she want to go into the Forbidden Forest? and more importantly, [I]why alone[/I?

And for some reason, well, it seemed like there was more to the story then Glenn was letting on. Something perhaps ... the groundskeeper (assuming it was he who caught her, since it was on his grounds), would be able to shed some light on. Making a mental note to visit his hut later, she nodded, in the meanwhile.

Yes she had lost a lot of points, but Glenn was a Badger. And if there was one thing she was sure it was that badgers knew how to fight hard. Reaching over her desk, she drew a tissue and handed it over to Glenn. "As if the points was enough, wearing a sign for a week, that's just...." she shook her head. "I suppose he's just testing your loyalty."

"But yes, like Minnie said, if this meetup goes well, people in Hufflepuff will remember that over some silly forest mishap. And if you're involved in the planning, well that will just look all the better for you. They'll soon forget the mishap ever happened."
Originally Posted by Gabrielle View Post
SPOILER!!: Huffies

Ugh. Crying. That was possibly the most girly thing in the world. She wiped them away with the sleeve of her blouse. Hearing the younger badger talk, she sighed and looked up, "I... live by a forest. I didn't think that the forest was actually that dangerous." And she was still sticking to that opinion. She just got lost - that was all. If she hadn't got lost she would've been fine.

As Minerva started talking, Glenn tuned out. She didn't want people telling her the sign didn't matter, she just wanted people to leave her alone for the week, not pay attention to it or the fact that she had lost points either.

She took the tissue and just clutched it in her hand, having already brushed away them with her sleeve. So, the decision was that she had to help with the planning, no? "May I sit down, then?" The blonde asked, her voice wavering slightly as she stared at the ground, her hair falling into her eyes.
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva listened to Glenn and didn't drop a beat when she realized the badger was going to have to just get over her point loss and move on. She hoped the party planning would help Glenn get her mind off the points and bring up her spirits along with everyone else in the house.

Turning back to Sutton and Professor Hadley now that all the explaining seemed to be over, "Well we need to come up with when are we going to have this party. Matches are going to be starting soon, so I don't want to interfere with that, but I think if we could bring up house spirit it could help with the Quidditch matches as well. " Yes that was the main goal, Hufflepuffs to meet and bring back spirit.. Someone might have to glue a shirt on the shirtless boy, but that was another thought for another time.

Sutton sat by quietly as the others discussed the older girl's predicament. She must have been really scared, being lost in the forest. Luckily the groundskeeper had found her. If it had been Sutton, she wouldn't have been able to do anything but yell for help. Except Sutton would never go into the Forbidden Forest... she was way too scared... of the forest and of being in trouble.

Thinking about what Minnie said, Sutton finally spoke up. "Well, obviously it needs to be a weekend. Maybe we could do it on a Friday evening since Quidditch is always on Saturdays?" she suggested. "Oh! And we'll need to make signs, and should we ask the house elves to make food for us, or should we do it ourselves... I know they're usually pretty busy..." she said, looking around. Deciding to they really needed to involve the other girl, Sutton turned to her and smile. "What would you like to help with? Oh, and I'm Sutton, by the way..."

Then there was another knock on the door. Woah! This was just Grand Central Station today, wasn't it? Err.. Kings Cross Station? Since they were in Britain? ...
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