Originally Posted by
Eriin "NO SIR! GET BACK HERE. NOW!" Addy bellowed as she spotted the boy she had been waiting for. PFFFT! How could she NOT see him. She was STARING at the only way in and out of their common room. And well... Yoda stirred a bit and snorted loudly. He couldn't help it though... he had a deviated septum which caused him to have labored breathing. Not to mention he was obese. Heh.
Addy pulled her wand and trained it on the Captain and spoke again, "I suggest you stop unless you want a tail sprouting from your inferior bottom and a nose to match." Yep he was a PIG. A pig that vommed on her CAT. Not okay.
CRAP. She saw him. Milton was just about to bolt out of the common, but the psycho ginger threatened to give him a TAIL. And a matching nose! Milton froze mid-step. Was there really a spell for that? He didn't know, but she was a Ravenclaw and she was a GINGER, so he didn't want to risk.
Milton turned around slowly to face her. SIGH.
"I'm sorry I vommed on your cat. Can I go now?" Please? He didn't want to gain any extra body parts today. Or lose any either, for that matter.