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Couch it was.
Nodding, Kurumi made her way over to the couch and took a seat, eyeing the broken window for a moment. "Um...professor...what happened to your window?" she asked, pointing towards it. Stray snitch or something?
Kurumi was a little concerned at the word...fun being used by the man. Fun and Vindictus usually equated to insanity.
Originally Posted by
Adults had fun too???
Well, alright.
She walked through the door, noticing the broken window... How odd... "I bet!" Cardigan said with a smile, sitting down on the couch. She stole another quick glance at the demolished window, scattered on the floor. Was it just going to sit there the whole time?
Hopefully not. Somebody could step on it!
Oh, Kurumi was here too! She especially favored her, being so nice at the station. Well, it was her duty as a prefect, but the Slytherin prefects had pretty much done nothing. Well it was all over now. "Hi Kurumi!" She said with a wave, then going back to her "seated position". This was sure gonna be interesting...
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Minerva walked in and saw two students already there. She smiled at the girls recognizing them both. "Hello Professor, I hope I'm not to late. I was interested in the announcer position for the Quidditch Matches." She smiled and found a place next to Kurumi hoping it was okay to sit next to her. "Hello Kurumi"
Then she looked back at the Professor wondering what all they would do to see about getting this job or if they could maybe all just share the duties. That could work as well Minerva thought.
Of course Kurumi would ask about the window. Duh!
"Well, a, um, piece of the giant oak outside my window, um, smashed it," Vindictus replied rather slyly. He knew that no one would buy that excuse. Oh well!
"But the fresh air is rather invigorating. Now on to auditions. I hope you're all ready."
He sat down on the couch opposite them and pulled out a short stack of index cards.
"Before we start, let me just say how important it is to have someone in the Stands announcing the game in their own unique way. Knowledge of the sport is a plus, but sometimes situations occur on the Pitch or even in the Stands that you want to tell everyone about."
"You also need to be creative, and be able to listen to other adults, some of whom are rather passionate about the sport."
Vindictus held up the cards.
"I'm going to hand each of you a scenario card. You read the card and then tell me what happened in your own words. Are there any questions before we get started?"