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Hmmm...Elliot just couldn't see herself living in a big city. Like, ever. Don't poor people infiltrate cities a lot? Yeah, no. Elliot didn't deal with that. Noooo. "I like New York, too..we've discussed this...it's just that...I don't know. I like the remoteness. I like being left alone." See? It made sense...
And one of his words caught her ear..."You can do archery? Wow. I would love to see...so cool..." One thing her father COULDN'T do...hmm.
"No Rome then!" she said, mentally crossing it off her list..."Venice is all water, right?" Like you had to travel by boat...hmm.."I don't know...so many places to go and things to see..."
And she didn't miss that smile...in fact, she returned it with a grin.
"I guess that makes sense...Maybe i just need to learn to love the isolation...take a break, maybe calm down a little.." He said thinking maybe she could show him.
"Yeah, I've been taking lessons from my sister for the past year...I'm getting pretty good...I can almost hit my target on horseback."
"Okay, no Rome and yeah most of Venice is underwater so you have to travel by boats..." He thought about asking her if she liked camping but she didn't seem the type to care for sleeping on the floor. But that's what air mattresses are for. "And there's always camping...I've always wanted to explore India a little...Dad says there's all kinds of strange types of Magic out there.." He said with a raised eyebrow, he had a thirst for adventure and wondered if she could keep up with that.