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MattValentine Matt did feel bad about just extending an offer to play a game so quickly after this tragedy has occurred, but it was the only thing he knew to get his mind off of the situation. Let's see, after Ro, the count would be at a total of, 3? 4? Matt couldn't remember the number of people close to him that Team Wolf had taken away from him, including killing his own brother. Matt was worried about the rest of the group, outside of Hogwarts. They had no protection from the evil group. For all he knew, they could all be dead right now. Matt shuddered at the thought of his twin siblings being murdered as well. "Nate, come on," he said, "Let's go talk." As he began to walk out of the room, he turned back to Surya. "I'm sorry for the way I was earlier. You didn't deserve that. I'm just new here. The only people in this house that I really trust are Nate and Pam."
Words could not describe how much Nate wanted to just sit on the windowsill and let himself fall backwards to his very Dumbledore-like demise. But Matt pulled him back, almost literally. "Alright," he droned emotionlessly, turning and following Matt in an almost zombie-like state. He was pretty desensitized to anything around him, but that didn't keep him from overhearing the rather loud Indian boy talking to the other girl about spying on them. At least they didn't know Jordan was involved, too. Of course, having heard about the Three Broomsticks, Nate made a mental note to be there at around the same time. They wouldn't be hard to find. However, time for counter-espionage hadn't yet come. Right then it was time to go deal with the situation with Matt and Pam.