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Vivi hefted one of their cages, leaving the other cage for Nigel to bring along. Was he still with her? She regrouped a few feet away, out of the direct line of fire, so to speak, of her classmates and their fire crabs with enough room to sit on the ground and make friends with her own creature.
She peered at her lazy little buddy in his cage, silently willing him to do something. He did not comply with her wishes. Most people didn't, which was one of the sad things about witches and wizards in general. With a wave, she entreated Nigel to join her on the ground before turning her attention back to the bucket.
"Do you need help filling yours?" Aguamenti was a pretty easy spell, but she'd learned from Lex not to assume that anyone already knew how to do a spell. Merlin, she hoped it didn't hurt his feelings to be asked. After a moment, she pointed her wand into her own bucket, said the incantation quite clearly (for any Nigels who wanted to observe), and filled the bucket halfway. Was that enough to cover the fire crab?
Nigel had turned and walked away for a minute to get all the dirt out of his hair. Peeves was still throwing dirt in his hair. Nigel knew the best course was to completely ignore Peeves till he went away. Which was exactly what happened.
He walked back and saw that the next activity had started. How long was he gone for. He could have sworn it was less than a minute. Nigel speed walked to his lazy fire crab. He picked up the cage and brought it over to were Vivi was. He put the bucket down and pointed his wand at it. He just about to ask her which spell was first because he always confused incendio and aquamenti. But that was answered when he watched Vivi used Aquamenti to fill up her bucket.
"Do you know if we should name our fire crabs. Because they might become angry if they are nameless?" It was a good question unless Vivi wanted violent fire crabs. While waiting for an answer he put his fire crab in the bucket."Aquamenti" He waited till the bucket was half way filled before ending the spell. Now all he had to do was touch his nameless crab.