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Old 09-24-2012, 04:02 PM   #246 (permalink)
Nearly Headless Nick
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Location: Hogwarts.
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Resident Ghost of Gryffindor | Chivilrous & Sociable

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel was now ready. Hoping his shield spell was working, Ehen he saw a ghost float into the class. Well it looked like it was the Gryffindor ghost. What was his name agin.

Oh, right. "Hi. Nearly Headless Nick." Nigel said waving. He was lucky that he would never get a sunburn and have to worry about using this spell.
Waving back at the boy that was waving at him, Sir Nicholas called over politely. "Hello."

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
...Oh. And Sir Nicholas was here? Wicked. "Hi Sir Nick." Did ghosts near weather shields too? Did the rain just go right through them? Soooo many questions.
Bubbling Hufflepuff girl! Directing his eyes in her direction Sir Nicholas fired off his best smile. "Good day."

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post

And then suddenly Nearly Headless Nick appeared. "Hi, Sir Nicholas." Was he going to participate in the lesson too?
"Hello Penelope." Sir Nicholas greeted the young lioness with a smile of approval. It was good to see so many lions in the room.

Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Belle then noticed Nearly Headless Nick. "Good morning Nick. How are you today?" Belle asked to be polite.
"I’m very good, thank you for asking, miss prefect." Sir Nicholas shot the girl a blink before eyeing the floor weird looking floor again. Pity he didn’t know her name. Maybe he could ask the Friar?

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
Then suddenly a ghost appeared! Cassia jumped startled by the sudden appearance of the ghost who was the Gryffindor's as Cassia guessed. She saw how his head was nearly falling on the floor, and it wasn't a very pleasant thing to see. The twelve-years old covered her eyes with her hand and said ,"Will please put your head on more carefully!" She never thought that she might use those words speaking to anyone. "Oh and Hi," She added still covering her eyes.

Not everyone had reacted so calmly to his appearance. Shooting the girl an apologetic smile he said softly. "Sorry dear. It was not my intent to scare you." Making sure his head was actually on his head like it should Sir Nicholas murmured dismally. "Its okay to look now."

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Oh distraction. "Hello Sir Nick."
"Hello." Sir Nicholas greeted back distractedly. Maybe he should leave?

Originally Posted by DecemberMoon View Post

“Hello Sir Nicholas!” she called out. She’d never talked to a ghost before. This is almost better than the lesson! she thought excitedly.
"Hello." Sir Nicholas greeted a claw with a beam. She seemed excited but probably more because of the lesson than his own sudden appearance.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Smiling at Sir Nicholas as he floated towards her, Kurumi tugged on her robes and boots a little anxiously, wondering if the charm had actually worked or not. Her eyes flicked up to the could nervously just as the ghost addressed her again. "We are about to practice a charm that provides bodily protection against the weather," Kurumi explained.
Did ghost need protection against the elements too? Curious thought, but Kurumi didn't actually ask it. Seemed sort of...rude to do so.
"What are you doing here, Sir Nicholas?" Because it was sort of rare for a ghost that WASN'T Peeves to show up in a lesson. And, well, whenever Peeves showed up it was never good, but that wasn't the case with Sir Nicholas.
Practice a charm that would mean this was a LESSON.

Resisting the urge to cover his face and sink into the floor he came from, Sir Nicholas instead responded to Kurumi’s question. "I’m looking for the Grey Lady have you seen her?"

Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy View Post
Professor Bellaire was about to do her rounds as she always did when they get to the practical parts of her lesson when Sir Nick's head popped up from the sand. She frowned at the ghost and folded her arms.
"Good day Sir Nicholas. Do you mind visiting...after my class has ended?" It was more of a statement than a question or request even.
Hovering over the professor lady he fired off beam in her direction totally ignoring her sort off request of him leaving. "What is the yellow stuff on the floor?" Sir Nicholas asked. "I hope it’s not something nasty Peeves has cooked up?"

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Sarah had quite gotten the hang of it.. her charm seemed strong. She had practiced and practiced it. So she stayed where she was. SHE WAS A LION AFTER ALL! LIONS DO NOT QUIVER AT THE SLIGHTEST TERROR! She put on her miss. confident face and prepared to face whatever she would be facing. She may not win, but she was going to have fun.
Untroubled by the rain that started to pour down around him Sir Nicholas eyes caught those of a lioness that looked scared by his judgement of her body language. Floating over to her he tried his best to be encouraging "You can do it dear! Just picture yourself not getting wet and then make it happen." The transparent man cheered the lioness on. Go GRYFFINDOR!
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