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"Oh. Thanks." Yeah. That was nice. He would accept that gratefully. Since she was offering and stuff. He screwed his eyes closed and held his arms out, waiting to be dried off.
And trying to think about the SPELL going right. Gosh.
Nodding, Kurumi made two little clockwise circles and then moved her wand wand up and down West's body, "
Siccus Aerous." After a few moments, she stopped the movement and looked him over a little. His hair was still a little damp, since she had been focusing on his robes mostly, but nothing he should be worried about. Yeah?
Seeing that West was obviously down, she tried to give him a reassuring smile. "
You'll get it West. Just try not to put too much emphasis on just the wand movement or just the incantation. They are both important after all."
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"Older students and those of you who think you have master the storm stay here." She banished the raining clouds away and grinned. There was a mischievous gleam in her eyes..just like the evening she had locked Medea in the room.
"I'm not sure how many of you have every been exposed to a hurricane or a tropical storm..." Probably not many. "Today you will all be. As a girl growing up on the island almost every summer we'd face a hurricane or some sort of tropical depression. MY parents would protect the house using this very charm and it saved us from having to rebuild or do repairs after every storm. But before my siblings and I learnt the charm we'd get caught out on the beach sometimes when playing after the eye of the hurricane had passed and all sorts of things would fly at us because of the heavy winds....coconuts became missiles, parts of muggle houses, tree branches you name it..but those we could dodge..the sand grains were murder. Nothing hurts more to me than getting slapped with sand over and over..it's like being stung by a thousand bees." She grinned...good times...gooood times. "Anyways..you'll all be exposed to hurricane conditions in a little while. You'll need a strong charm so don't put yourself through this if you know you might not be able to produce one. I'll give you a little time to dry off and prepare yourselves." She waited for reactions.
"Now i'll have something special for the witch or wizard who manages to come out of this hurricane the driest and with little or no signs of being stung by sand."
She was about to offer some more advice, or at least words of encouragement, but the professor called them all in to...face a hurricane? Flying coconuts?
Okay, hurricane was one thing. That was, well, the elements of nature coming violently together....BUT COCONUTS AND BITS OF HOUSES?! Kurumi really wasn't sure she liked the sound of that...at all. Still, she had managed the spell and she would really be a shame of a Gryffindor if she did not at least attempt this portion of the lesson so...stay here it was.
Yeah...Kurumi might be throwing herself in front of bits of debris ....