Thread: Herb Journals
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Old 09-24-2012, 09:53 AM   #7 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ira Wilson
Seventh Year
Default Ira Wilson; Gryffindor; Fourth Year; 171541
♥Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often♥

List of herbs done:

♦ Ginger
♦ Aloe Vera
♦ Mint
♦ Garlic
♦ Thyme
♦ Oregano
♦ Peppermint
♦ Lavender
Text Cut: November
Text Cut: Ginger
  • Plant Details: Ginger, a brown fleshy root.
  • Common Uses: Has both medicinal and culinary uses, besides helping with respiratory problems and relieving stress.
  • Personal Use: I love ginger tea! Even a whiff of ginger tea can help improve your mood, and it tastes great too. It is especially useful during the cold weather. Also it leaves me feeling refreshed and calm.
My grandma always stressed on using ginger in almost all the food dishes, claiming that it had a wide range of healing abilities. And apparently it is very much true, as it has been proved that it contains many nutrients, like vitamins and minerals and so on.
Although ginger is often used as a spice, it is now considered as a healthy organic remedy for everyday aches and pains. My mom used to have Ginger tea in the morning to cure her morning sickness.

Text Cut: Aloe Vera
  • Plant Details: Aloe Vera, a spiky, succulent green plant, looks similar to Cactus.
  • Common Uses: Has many medicinal uses, has antibacterial properties. Also used in cosmetics.
  • Personal Use: My finger got a bit burnt during one of my classes, and remembering some text I had read up about Herbology, decided to apply the Aloe Vera gel on my finger. It soothed the area and after a few moments, the burn did look a bit less sore.
We had discussed in the previous lesson in Herbology that Aloe Vera was a very useful herb, and was useful in treating many sicknesses like ulcers and burns, and also it helps in fighting obesity. And it is also used in many cosmetics, in skin creams because apparently it helps to clear the pimples and acne and brings a glow to skin. At least that was what was written on cover of one of the cosmetics.

Text Cut: December
Text Cut: Mint
  • Plant Details: Mint, a pleasant smelling herb, whose green leaves are the useful part.
  • Common Uses: It is used in both, medicines and food. It is well known for its properties related to indigestion, stomach cramps, menstrual cramps, flatulence, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, and colic in children.
  • Personal Use: Firstly, I like the after-dinner mints. It prevents bad breath, which in turn make me smell good. No one wants to have bad breath, right? Chewing few leaves helps get rid of bad breath, whitens the teeth and leaves a cool sensation in mouth. It strengthens gums and prevents tooth decay.
Mint is one of the herbs that has it all. It grows like a weed, is perfectly safe for use, and is an excellent remedy for reducing symptoms related to digestion. And it tastes good going down!
This wonder herb has benefited us immensely by its medicinal properties through ages. It is used as a home remedy to manage ailments related to digestive tract, oral, respiratory and skin disorders.
And I have heard that mint flavor is often used as air fresheners by muggles. So that proves how aromatic the herb is.

Text Cut: Garlic
  • Plant Details: Garlic, a perennial herb with green flat leaves and a bulb containing 5-10 cloves, covered by white skin.
  • Common Uses: It has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It is used as a remedy in cases of ulcers, wounds, skin diseases, colds, ear aches, etc to name a few. Also, essential oil is extracted too.
    And it has culinary uses too. It is often a main spice used in Eastern foods.
  • Personal Use: I have been advised to put a few drops of garlic oil on a tooth, if it begins to hurt too much, though the pain relief is only temporary. It is also a preventative measure for colds, flu and other infectious diseases, so I use it accordingly for small bouts.
Garlic is an important medicinal herb that is readily available everywhere. 2 to 4 grams of fresh, minced garlic can be eaten each day. However, when eaten excessively, it can leave a distinct odor on the skin and breath, can cause heartburn, upset stomach and allergic reactions. However the smell can be stopped by Drinking lemon juice or eating a few slices of lemon.
Though it is best known as a culinary herb and vampire retardant, the medicinal benefits and claims have awarded it the name "Wonder Drug among all herbs".

Text Cut: January
Text Cut: Thyme
  • Plant Details: Thyme, a long stemmed wooden plant, with small tiny leaves, and flowers in various colors from white to pink. It grows to about 25 cm height.
  • Common Uses: Thyme herb contains thymol, one of the important essential oils, which scientifically have been found to have antiseptic, anti-fungal characteristics.
    Thyme is packed with minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. Its leaves are one of the richest sources of potassium, iron and calcium, which all are the essential minerals required by body to function properly.
    It also helps to relieve throat and bronchial irritation and the spasms of whooping cough. Thyme herb tea is a popular health drink. Thyme has been used in the preparation of season soups, and sauces.
  • Personal Use: I like its flavor when used in food. Also, thyme is often used in cosmetics for its useful properties, and so I like using thyme shampoo, which lessens dandruff.
    Also, it is useful for cough and cold, which is frequent during the cold season like it is nowadays. And thyme herb tea tastes good.
I have heard stories saying that any place where thyme grows wild is a place blessed by the fairies. And my mother and grandmother had told me how they used to plant Thyme in their gardens, saying that as it grew, their money tool increased. I just think that all these are myths, and depends on what one believes.

Text Cut: Oregano
  • Plant Details: Oregano is a herb, whose name means "delight of the mountains" in Greek, which is native to the Mediterranean region. It grows to a height of 20 inches and bears pink or purple flowers.
  • Common Uses: Oregano is a wonderfully aromatic, flavorful herb popularly used in Spanish and Mediterranean cooking. It is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals.
    Besides these culinary uses, Oregano is also used as an antiseptic and as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments. It also has disinfectant and anti-bacterial properties.
  • Personal Use: Oregano tea is used as a gargle for sore throats and a mouthwash to help inhibit bad breath. I also like its flavor. I also sometimes use it as a digestive aid.
According to the folklore and myths, the oregano herb was considered to be the symbol of happiness. And thats why the Greeks and Romans would crown a bride and groom with sprigs of Oregano. Oregano was also considered to be a protective herb that could ward of trouble and meddling individuals.
On a more scientific level, it has been proved that on a per gram fresh weight basis, oregano has demonstrated 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges and 4 times more than blueberries.

Text Cut: February
Text Cut: Peppermint
  • Plant Details: Peppermint, a herb with lance-shaped purple-veined, dark green leaves with serrated margins and purple color whorly flowers.
  • Common Uses: Peppermint has many culinary uses as well as medicinal benefits.
    The peppermint leaves are used extensively in the preparation of herbal tea. Also, it is used as a flavoring base in ice creams too. And it is also used in the preparation of soups, and sauces.
    As for medicinal uses, it is useful as cold and flu remedy. It helps in digestion and regular bowel movement.
    Peppermint tea is also useful to relieve the abdominal pains and cramps to women during menstrual cycle. Its comforting and warmth reduces all the symptoms of pre menstrual syndrome.
  • Personal Use: I take these peppermint pills, which act as both mouth freshener and aids in digestion.
    Also, sometimes I suffer from ulcers. At such times, I have been advised to take a cup of peppermint tea with honey. It seems to soothe my insides.
The mufggle scientists are researching the possibility of use of peppermint as protection against cancer.
I have seen some of the skin creams list Peppermint herb as their ingredient. On looking it up, I found that it is highly effective in topical creams used to treat a variety of skin issues. Examples include treatments for hives, rashes, poison oak or poison ivy. When applied to the skin, these ointments have a soothing and healing effect. This is something new that I learnt this time.

Text Cut: Thyme
  • Plant Details: Lavender is a small shrub, with gray linear leaves and pretty flowers ranging from blue to violet. The fresh and dried flower tops are used, as well as some essential oils.
  • Common Uses: steeping a small handful of lavender flowers in boiling water creates a healthful herbal tea? This is just as effective as chamomile for promoting sleep and helping to soothe frazzled nerves.
    Adding either oil or fresh buds to a hot bath will promote relaxation and ease tired muscles.
    Lavender has natural antiseptic properties. Use lavender oil as a protective salve instead of rubbing alcohol
  • Personal Use: Lavender is useful for dandruff problem. Steeping lavender as you would to make tea and then cooling it off, is great to clear up dandruff if used as a rinse daily.
    I used Lavender to help with sunburn when I had gone vacationing in the tropics. It also is an analgesic when applied to skin, so relieves pain.
    And yes, it is especially useful during outdoor camping trips, as it acts as an insect-repellent.
I read in one of the history books in the library that the one of the famous herbologist, Maud Grieve noted that when exposed to Lavender water, lions and tigers in zoos became docile, though I don't really know if it is true or not.
Also, in older times, English women and men had lavender flowers quilted into their hats to "comfort the brains". I know this because I saw a photograph of my ancestors, and grandma explained me the reason for the lavender sprigs in each of their hats.

Last edited by Enigma; 11-03-2012 at 10:59 AM.
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