Plant Details:Peppermint- herb with smooth, squareish stems; broad, dark green leaves with reddish veins and both stems and leaves are slightly hairy; has purple flowers that bloom in late summer
Common Uses: used as a flavoring in teas, ice creams, candies, chewing gum, and toothpaste
Personal Uses: Professor Hadley handed out peppermint humdingers during Arithmancy
Plant Details: Cumin- herb that grows up to 30cm tall; has a slender, branched stem; leaves between 5 and 10cm long and threadlike; flowers are small and either white or pink
Common Uses: the seeds are used as a spice in many parts of the world and are found in such things as chili powder, curry powder and garam masala; the Dutch even use it in one of their cheeses, Leyden and the French use it in some traditional breads
Personal Use: added some chili powder to my chili
Plant Details: Fennel- grows up 2.5m high with a hollow stem; leaves are threadlike and about 40cm long
Common Uses: features prominently in Mediterranean cuisine, the bulbs and fronds used in side dishes, pastas, and risottos; the seeds are an ingredient in Italian sausages and meatballs; used heavily in some parts of India and the Middle East; also used to treat flatulence
Personal Use: Meatballs anyone?