Join Date: Aug 2012 Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 999
Hogwarts RPG Name: Eliza Neladara Dawnsel Fifth Year | Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy "It seems you've all been reading. Three points to all of you who attempted to answer." She stepped a little closer to the students.
"As was mentioned by one of your classmates the incantation 'protego' comes form the word 'protect'. The variant of the protego charm that we wil be studying is Protego Caelum. Caelum is the latin word for atmosphere and weather." They could see where she was going with this right? "It's a fairly simple charm that you all will learn..if you apply yourselves. I hope you all remembered to take the appropriate foot wear and your cloaks with you." She looked around the room at all of them. Right moving on. "This charm when performed correctly should be apply to shield you from elements of the weather. Any questions?" Glad to know that her question hadn’t been totally off mark, Eliza felt at east. Yes. Practice does make perfect, she repeated to herself. Well, not perrrfect perfect, because I’m not sure if anything is ever actually 100% perfect. But I get the idea. She listened to Professor Bellaire answer the other students. Three points!! Eliza was so excited she could hardly believe it. Her answer hadn’t even been the best and she’d been awarded points?! My first points ever! She squealed inside and jiggled her feet a little in the sand. The professor’s next comment mentioned weather. She had figured the lesson would incorporate it somehow since they were told to bring cloaks and galoshes…and they were on a beach.
She pulled her cloak from her bag just in case they would be needing it right away, and set it next to her galoshes. She wondered if the professor was going to make a tropical storm since they were on the beach, but she didn’t ask. She wouldn’t want the professor to think Eliza was assuming they’d all be put in danger. No, she’d just see how it all played out instead.
She was glad to hear that the coconut water had been intended for all of them. She really did think it was just for the professor, so she was glad that Bellaire was more hospitable than that. Her mouth was practically watering at the thought of the sweet drink. She got up and poured a cup for herself, quietly, and sat back down to enjoy it. Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy "Everyone please take out your cloaks and rain boots. We're just about ready to commence with the practical part of the lesson." She moved over to another thatch hut and pulled out her own cloak and boots."There is a trunk here, if you do not want to get your book bags and valuables wet put them in the trunk. We'll begin when everyone is ready." Eliza had already taken out her gear, so she put her notes and quill back into her bag and walked over to the trunk. She was glad for the professor’s thorough lesson planning as she really didn’t want all of her school work to be sopping wet. She sat her empty cup back on the table next to the coconut water, assuming they’d all be washed and used again. She then walked back over to her spot in the sand, careful not to get smacked by any of the cloaks that were being pulled from bags all around her.
She hadn’t thought the professor said to actually put on their rain gear, but she saw a lot of people doing it anyway. She wasn’t usually a fan of joining the masses, but in this case she thought they might have the right idea. Maybe it was implied… She shrugged and put her boots and cloak on. Ready to go. Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy "Wasn't very fun was it Miss Dixon?" She shooed the girl form under the cloud and grabbed her own cloak which she slipped into then stepped into the spot Nessie had previously occupied.
"Now you'll need to clearly say Protego Caelum while making a clock-wise circular motion with your hand followed by a quick steady flick. Those of you with firmer wands should have an easier time with this charm."
Sophia Demosntrated by performing the charm on her own cloak. There was another crash of thunder then the rain started. Instead of wetting her cloak or touching it even the rain drops seemed to be deflected by an invisible barrier.
"Once we master this spell we'll add some wind to it." She stopped the rain and produced more rain clouds.
"Now I want everyone to practice their charm properly before going under a cloud. When you think you are ready, step under the cloud and say 'ready.' Once everyone gets the hang of it we can take the room for a little spin. Carry on."
Sophia started heading in the direction of the coconut water then paused." And for those of you who neglected to bring the proper gears there is a blue trunk with extras." Shocked that the professor had treated a student like that in front of everyone, Eliza covered her mouth to hold back any protest. I guess it is only water, she thought, trying to calm her urge to speak out on this sort of punishment. She watched the soaking wet Hufflepuff go back to join the rest of the students. I hope she saw some fun in it at least, she thought as she tried to give the girl a sympathetic smile.
Already, students who hadn’t practiced nearly as much as Eliza thought they should, were forming a line to stand under the cloud. As for herself, she stayed put and said the incantation, “Protego Caelum” whilst circling her arm in a clockwise motion. The flick was a bit harder. Her wand was slightly springy and it wasn’t sure if it wanted to flick so much as it wanted to bounce. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nearly Headless Nick Where was the Grey Lady? Sir Nicholas pondered as he floated through walls and floors in his own little bubble. She had said she had something for him when they last spoke. Ascending up through the second floor ceiling his head popped up into the middle of a sandy room full of students rather than through the accustomary wall.
Nicholas rose slowly from the sand and blinked around at the student's that scampered out of the way. He hadn't meant to spook them. “Protego Caelum,” she said again - waving her arm in the same fashion as before, this time her flick really flicked and she felt a slight wobble in the air as her shield manifested around her. Her mother had always said she’d bet anything that Eliza would be good at charms. Her father had agreed too of course, since he worked with a variety of charms every day for work. Eliza had heard him say to her mother in private though that he was eager to see how Eliza performed in Potions, which she thought was sort of odd.
Turning her thoughts back to the task at hand, she smiled at her shield and she saw another ghost slide up through the sandy floor. Having met Peeves earlier, she welcomed the sight of the ghost she’d heard greeted as Nearly Headless Nick. He seemed to be much more agreeable, so she decided to speak to him. “Hello Sir Nicholas!” she called out. She’d never talked to a ghost before. This is almost better than the lesson! she thought excitedly. Then to her professor, she said, “I’m ready for the rain!” and walked under a cloud. Quote:
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy Sounds of ready rung out about the room and Sophia was delighted to see that her clouds worked perfectly. Unrelenting rain poured from them at the students request. She shook her head at those who ended up getting wet. She closed her eyes and crinkled her nose, expecting at least a few drops to get in - but to her happy surprise, they did not! She remained completely dry. She really was good at charms! Simple ones anyway, she thought. She stood there grinning ear to ear as the rain pounded harder without any dampening results. She couldn’t wait to show her parents what she’d learned. |