New Assignments! Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia New Assignments have been given! Albino Bloodhound Team -
- Nogtails have made an appearance in rural farms in Cotswald, England. Make sure the Bloodhounds are in excellent condition. They need consistent, continual training. Under the direction of the team leader (Alyss Glass) take them to Cotswald to hunt out the nogtails. Dragon Researchers -
- Winter is coming, research new diets to help the dragons hold onto health fat to keep them warm. Send the information to the dragon reserves throughout Britain. Dragon Restraint Officers -
- The new Swedish Short Snout in the Welsh Dragon Reserve is being unruly and wreaking havoc. Go to the Reserve and help isolate him in a separate enclosure until he calms down and adjusts to the new setting. Werewolf Operative -
- Prepare for the next full moon. Make sure you have all the necessary tools to capture a werewolf in case of an escape. Mermish Liasion Office -
A report needs to be made on the status of the merpeople residing in Scotland. Send out a team to speak with the Selkies tribe. Goblin Liason Office -
- Visit the goblins in Gringotts and make sure they are being treated well. Make sure they are happy with their working conditions. Werewolf Support Services -
- Contact all werewolves currently working in the Ministry of Magic and create a status report. Make sure they aren’t being treated unequally. Make sure they still have a safe and secure place to transform and enough wolfsbane potion for the next full moon. Spirit Relocation Office-
- A woman in Yorkshire has reported her mother-in-law’s spirit has been haunting her. Find a new place for her and relocate her accordingly.
** Your department head expects a report of your assignment in a timely manner. In person, or in written form. ** |