Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Yeah, yeah. She saved somebody's life. Just call her Saint Sierra.
The girl wasn't going to hug her now, was she? Because really, the whole 'I owe you' was more than enough. Sierra visibly perked up. She liked when people owed her. It meant she could find just the right opportunity to benefit from them, and you better bet she'd be finding a way for the Claw to pay her back.
Look at that. She'd helped the girl in order to save the worms, but in the process, she'd gotten a very valuable 'I owe you', and what Slytherin didn't like that?
Elliot did OWE her...she did...and the older girl didn't say anything baaack. Rude. Well, Elliot couldn't really say anything, now could she? Queen of Rude. The blonde merely cleared her throat and said,
"You can work with me and Hannah...if you waaant." Because she probably didn't. Although, since Hannah and Elliot were only the two coolest people ever, Sierra would be missing out. Big time.
"You know, since you don't have a partner." Smiiiirk.
Were they allowed to work three? Probably not. Oh WELL. Elliot didn't care.
Originally Posted by
Of course Elliot was not happy that Hannah didn't help her, but she did help her scream and that surely counted for something right? She thought so.
"I'm always here for you." she said with a smirk because she knew that if the roles were reversed Elliot would have reacted the same way. Hannah was all for dueling and arguments, but if creepy crawly things were involved you could count her out!
"Now I'll got get the rest of the supplies while you round up your fire crab." Hannah wasn't gunna hunt fire crabs too.
Baaa! Sure, Hannah Lockwood. Elliot scowled and grumbled a bit to herself as she was put in charge of...finding where she had flung the firecrab cage...in her fear of the worms...
And good, that dratted Peeves was LEAVING! Good riddance! Hmmmph!
She glanced around...looking for the poor firecrab...in his cage...ahaaa! She spotted him a good distance away-
I didn't know I could even throw that far!- and she hurried to go retrieve it...she came back, blowing a piece of her hair from her face.
"All ready. And worm free. And I asked your prefect if she wanted to work with us." Yep. Smirk.
"You know, since she actually helped..." Hmph.
Maybe just a bit bitter.