As Peeves continued shoveling dirt on the dead boy (Nigel)
music could be heard, because that's what happened at funerals, sad music and throwing dirt on the dead.
Who did that girl (Louisa) think she was? Didn't she know you can't kick a ghost and get away with it? Turning on her he threw some dirt her way too.
"Can't you see I'm trying to hold a funer..."
HEY! Again.
Who told the dead boy he could get up? Peeves wasn't finished burying him yet. He couldn't be a proper ghost until he had been fully buried
"Come back here boy, I'm not finished with you yet."
Following behind the boy he was going to
push him down throw more dirt on him but the kid started talking to some girl about being her partner. How boring was that?
Seeing all those other kids doing that boring class stuff, Peeves decided this class was no longer fun for him so without a word he zoomed off towards the castle... where he was sure he could find
more unsuspecting victims another class that wasn't so boring.