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Vivi wiggled her fingers back at the approach of Kurumi, although she really was planning on ignoring the girl and everyone else as she focused on the problem of fashion. Fashion... was a really big problem.
Vivi had none. She managed to fool people by wearing a lot of black and letting her twin dress her from time to time, but this was even worst than putting together an 'outfit'. It was designing an outfit. It was a nightmare.
Merlin, was this her boggart? WAS SHE BEING TRICKED? It would figure she'd go to the trouble of designing an outfit only to discover she'd been snagged by a boggart for the duration of the term.
When Kurumi demonstrated that she was setting up right beside her, Vivi cast the girl a beseeching look and pointed at sad Vivi-quin. "Do you see this? Vivi-quin wearing a rubbish bag? Because if you see a giant vampire bat or something, then I think we have a boggart, and I totally know how to get rid of that."
Finger wiggling...this was something new to Kurumi, but it wasn't as awkward as other greetings were. Like hugs. People hugging when they said hello was something that took her about 5 terms to get used to and even now she reserved such greeting for people like Selina, Lewis, and Treyen.
Scooting just a liiiiiittle closer to the girl, Kurumi's eyes widened and she sort of just gawked at Vivi for a moment. "
Vivi-quin?" she repeated, cocking her head to the side. "
I thought they were mannequins." Obviously missing the point. Oh well. "
No vampire bats...just a mannequin in a rubbish bag like mine," she replied as she gave the black plastic another firm tug. "
My boggart wouldn't be a vampire bat anyway. Those are too cute." And she was being 100 percent serious in that comment. Just because they had vampire in the name didn't mean they were dark creatures or anything.
But then Kurumi realized something. "
Wait....are you saying that...fashion is your boggart?" Because it might as well be for Kurumi.