Text Cut: Partner Ira
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"Relax Cassia.." Ira tried to calm the younger girl down. "Its all settled down, don't panic.. breathe in, breath out.. breath in.." So the meditation learnt from the DADA class did help here. "Yeah! That would be much better to pretend everything's right." Ira agreed with the girl.
Ira's eyes went round when Cassia shrieked no! "Hey! Shhh!" What was wrong with her? It did seem like there were many small fires being lit in the whole class. So one more wasn't a big deal. Nevertheless, Ira didn't want to frighten the younger snake. After all, being a Slytherin, she wasn't too brave like herself. Thinking like that, Ira smirked but then focused back on the matter at hand.
"Okay, this time, you try the spell. The repairing spell." Saying so, Ira bent down and crouched, and waited to hear some sound, some sign that the train was repaired. Click! Yay! Something clicked. Something happened inside the train. Ira nodded at Cassia and pointed at the engine, "Its not damaged! I heard a click!" So that meant the fire did warm up the engine a bit. "That means we're on the right track!"
Saying so, Ira pulled out one parchement from her own bag, and tore off a small corner piece and crumpled it. And cast the blueball flames charm, so that the fire would not affect the train, and then levitated it to the train and put it inside the engine. "There.. this time, the fire won't affect the train, I promise." Ira reassured Cassia. "And now, maybe a more focused spell should do the trick." Something like reparo Engine or others like that.
Cassia inhaled and exhaled steadily and in a focused rhythm like Ira said. The lioness probably doesn't know that Cassia is fervent girl who gets excited, upset or mad easily and hugely. However, the good news that she was calming down now. And she still hoped that she'll get to keep the train when it works. But will Scabior agree?
As Cassia cast the spell Ira was keeping her ear near, good thinking. Click!
"Really! Cassia beamed at her partner. See they were fixing it because there was a CLICK! Hold on….what if this click was a bad thing. What if the last undamaged part just got damaged! No it couldn't have happened, right? Cassia used the repairing spell so it ought to repair and not damage, true? TRUE. Cassia tried to push the negative thinking and focus on the toy that's supposed to be hers after being fixed.
The second-year watched Ira performing the flames charm. Honestly girl if you knew this all the time why didn't you use it earlier instead of that incendio one which Cassia cast. At least this one couldn't do much harm it SOMEONE DROPPED it.
"I like this spell," Cassia stated because she felt like it.
Focused spell? Mm… the second-year snake stroked her chin thinking of what spell should do the trick? She had mentioned a spell a couple of minutes ago right? Cassia's lousy memory just just hiding it. She shut her eyes closed trying to recall the incantation.
"LOCOMOTOR!" She suddenly blurted out . Eeep she remembered! "
Ok but I suggest that we do it together, you know for double effect and that kinda stuff." And because Cassia wasn't sure that she could do that spell. But she wasn't mentioning this ,ok?
Clearing her throat, Cassia pointed the tip of her wand at the train and with a flick she said,
"Locomotor Train." She glanced up at the lioness ,was she with her?