Join Date: May 2008 Location: Hobbiton
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Hogwarts RPG Name: ??? Ravenclaw Hogwarts RPG Name: Ronnie Thurkell Gryffindor Seventh Year x12 x12
| rearranging for ease of reply and answer groupings lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th ZOMG THIS SEMINAR!!
Sophie just couldn't! EVEN! EEP!
She was so ecstatic, joyful and delighted and OMGTHATWASSOCOOL! They'd be doing magic without wands! Just like she did when she was little! Yay! YAY! YAYAYAY!!! That's why she didn't aswer the first question. It was TOO MUCH for a happy third year to handle. This was just too awesome. TOO. AWESOME.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Okay, okay, Sophie, beee coooooool. This would be just like another Charms class, right? But WANDLESS! AND SPELLS! OMGSOCOOL!
Right. Breeeeathe in. Breathe ooouuut. The excitment did help her warm up, though. It was easy enough when you were all hyper and stuff.
The badger was really struggling to keep it together. She blinked cheerfully and eeeyed the happy teacher as the older girl asked another question. She'd at least tryyy to answer this one. HAND UP! WOOP WOOP!!
WaitNO!! She couldn't!! Sophie giggled stupidly at some of her classmates' answers. She bounced up and down and refrained herself from clapping her handssss in excitement. HEEEEEEH!
Could they just move on to the spells bit? Could they? COULD THEY?? PLEEASEE???
Cela was NOT refraining from happy clapping. Nope. She giggled too. At least this little girl was getting warmed up from giggling and being excited, right? Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light One of the reasons why Abby decided to attend this seminar because she loved dancing. Loved. It was pleasant change to finally attend a class that didn't seem to be boring on the face of it. So, here she was, stretching and jogging on the same spot, listening to the Cela person talk about dance magic. Dance magic was.. magic that involved dancing? Obviously. But, maybe Cela was looking for something more profound? Not likely. She seemed to be giggling and saying the word 'FUN' a lot. Heh.
Pronouced a spell wrong and had something happen? Abby snorted. More like pronounced a spell RIGHT and not have ANYTHING happen. Yeah, that's happened a lot.
Oh c'mon! Why was this Cela person talking about nonsense incantations? What was the point really? Yeah, no. She didn't feel like answering. Besides, people had already come up with some really weird incantations so the girl remained quiet and continued to do her stretches.
Can we just get to the dancing part ALREADY!? Stretching was good! What a GOOD Hufflepuff! Paying attention and listening so carefully and following instructions! Oh Cela DID like Huffies! When they weren't going off and dying and all that. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lollipop! It had taken a while to find her stupid sports clothes to say the least.
So yeah, it meant she to um... run to the seminar. Her bag bouncing on her back as she did. She slipped through the doors and yeah...pretty much everyone was there already. .... "Uh...sorry, Missus?" Grimace. So she ran (again) over to the box thingies and put her bag in one and scribbled her name on a RAVENCLAW tag. Those things were awesome. And she hurried over to stand beside Sophie, flashing her an awkward!BEAM.
Messing up spells? Blue NEVER messed up spells. She just, couldn't cast them. Well, she was only twelve so.... WAIT a second. She could completely understand the fire thing and all but conjuring a buffalo?! Um..O__e "He conjured up a buffalo? Like in his living room? What did he do with it?" She probably really shouldn't be worrying about that and more the question but she was curious. WHAT DID ONE DO WITH A GIANT COW IN THE ROOM?!
Oh and streeeetttttcccccch. "Oh that's okay!" Cela didn't mind as long as the little 'claw caught up alright. "Some say he conjured it on his chest, some say he conjured it on his wife's shoulders when he was trying to make her a mink." And well, buffalo were big, right? So, not good! Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker Cassia listened to what the lady said,Cela and the snake was glad that it didn't require smartness to understand. Because she wasn't in any condition to process anything on her mind. So could we please get to the dancing part? Pretty please.
The second-year was swinging her arms back and forth ,drawing wide circles in the air and that kinda stuff. And yeah she was sure not to pluck someone's eye out….no worries. And actually she had never heard of that man Celandine mentioned. But Cassia wasn't gonna admit that….so uncool! And she was glad that Blue asked about it…when Ravenclaws ask it sounds smart but when Slytherins do or at least her, it sounds dump oblivious.
The twelve-years old couldn't remember any funny incantation…..and she wasn't in the mood to recall info. It required so much mental effort and that wasn't available now.
So, back to stretching. Stretch…stretch..sreeeeetch. Listening and stretching? Cela approved of that. That was how you got to be super smart like her. By listening and stretching. And listening to her. And stuff. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Dancing.
Um. No.
And FUNcantions? What were those? Alice was a bit skeptical about the seminar. But wandless magic DID sound pretty cool. And she wanted to come see, because, usually, they were interesting. She walked into the room, wearing comfortable clothing per instructions, and stuffed her things inside of a cubby. She grabbed herself a nametag, on which she quickly scribbled, 'Queen Alice Fischer', and then proceeded to stretch.
Kind of. Basically she just stood there.
She saluted the lady once she introduced herself. Cela. Giggle. It sounded like Cela-ry. Heh. The Gryffindor raised her hand hesitantly, her mind still on celery. "Is a FUNcantation.. an incantation.. that's fun? Or.. wandless?" Huh. Bad answer. "And.. is dance magic.. dancing with your hands? Such as making wand movements with body parts to make up for the missing wand?" Maybe? Hopefully? Probably not?
Seminars were HARD. "Yup, Queen," That was her name right? Its what her nametag said, "Totally exactly what we're doing! Fun incantations and pretty much using our bodies instead of wands!" A bit of both once they got all the talky stuff out of the way. Classes always had talky stuff, and Cela actually liked the talky stuff. It was EXCITING to discuss things, and even sometimes debate about them, and just share all the things that you could possibly think about and get all enlightened and stuff! Eeee! So fun. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Addie smiled at the lady Mrs, no Cela. Addie liked the lady she seemed very nice and energetic and such. So therefore she had to be awesome. Plus she liked Addie's bow!
Nonsense incantations? Addie went through all of the things that she had learned in previous years then came across one name. Gilderoy Lockhart. He was all nonsense. Smiling she remembered one particularly nonsenseful incantation and Addie raised her hand. "Didn't Gilderoy Lockhart makeup a bunch of random spells to pretend to be an amazing wizard that he was not?" Addie began then she brought up one spell she remembered. "Wasn't one of these spells that he taught to Harry Potter and his friends when they were young was Peskipiksi Pesternomi. It was supposed to round up pixies but didn't." Addie smiled, proud of her answer and began to do some stretching after her jogging. Once upon a time, Cela and her best friend Daphne Hopton, as third years, had bought every single ribbon in Gladrags because they'd been so obsessed with hair bows. Especially pretty pink ones. Teehee bows were awesome!
Oh an answer! "Every Lockhart that I have ever met," Two. She'd met two. Two was an every. "Was at least a bit okay at magic." Better at Quidditch, really. "I think that his problem was that he was trying too hard to impress and didn't let his natural awesomeness shine through. The story goes that he made it up on the spot, and the incantation at least sort of sounds like what he wanted it to do, but its not as simple as that at all -the magical resonance was wrong!- and that's totally a great example of a nonsense incantation! Good stuff!" Quote:
Originally Posted by DeathEater1 "What about Double, Double, Toil and trouble?" Wasn't it from Shakespeare? Seemed like it. What was it even for?? Seemed pretty useless. Muggies had a lot of fake wizard spells, it seemed. Like Hocus Pocus, Abra Cadabra, Alakazam... That one sounded a lot like Azkaban, strangely... Muggles and their "spells".....
As for stretching, Cardigan decided to do some more stretches that they had done in DADA. She would start off with the boat pose. It gave her a real good stretch! Going into the pose, she could feel the strain in her legs. That was good! What did this Kettleburn lady mean by "dance magic"? She still didn't get it. Was it spells that made you do dances?o.O That would be quite helpful, in some ways ... "Ooooh yeah! Thats a good one. And you know it was written like, before the Statute of Secrecy? Just think about that for a second! Makes you wonder a bit exactly what Muggles knew and what they thought they knew and --zomg I'm sorry, I'm getting distracted!--That one though, its more of a recipe than an incantation! Hopefully I can explain the difference so that you'll see!" You know, so that the differences made sense. She gave a thumbs up at the stretching though. Yeah! Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen So yes Wandless Magic Seminar. Plus its being taught by the former Ravenclaw Prefect and Head Girl who he has read in the yearbook archives and was quite impressed with. So big incentives for this Ravenvclaw to attend right?
But its also about DANCE. Biiiig deterrent. No matter now you cut it, Dancing and Vickers just arent good bedfellows.
So it was on Louisa-- the current Head Girl's-- insistence that Vickers actually show up, being dragged along to the classroom gym and depositing his things in the cubbie along with hers. He eyed other people nervously-- he spotted some of the guys. Awesome! That means he cant be the only fellow with two left feet here right?
Unless they're all related to Gene Kelly then he's in biiig trouble.
Right. Scribble the name down. Stick on on the shirt. Wave hello to the former Hogwartian. Aaand smile!
Alright stretching and bending he can do, it would be very much like his morning calisthenics on his DADA class days. Although theres still a part of him that a little jumpy whenever anyone would bring up the subject of dancing. Although seriously if there was any dancing involved he should quit worrying about that and start focusing on how not to break every toe on Louisa's feet.
Questiion about funny spells. Streeeetch while raising his hand "Wasnt there an incantation or poem told to Ron Weasley by his prankster brothers about a color changing charm for his pet rat? Because its fake it didnt really do anything other than make a fool of him." So yeah dont always believe what your sibs tell you. Not that he has to worry about that anyway. It was TOTALLY sweet and adorbs that there were was a cute Ravenclaw couple, and that one of them was the head girl. Obviously that meant they were the most adored and adorable couple in the WHOLE school. Cela knew this because by her logic, and her experience, it was TRUE that everyone totally loved Ravenclaw Head Girls and/or prefects and their cute boyfriends. Did Aparecium still exist? They were probably in it ALL THE TIME, just like Celandine had been. Totally legit. The boy got a bright smile which turned into somewhat of a puzzled look at his answer. Not at the story but at the possibility that a brother would make up such a lieeeeeeeeeeeeee. The scandal! Her brothers wouldn't do that to her ever! Poor Ron Weasley. Poor rat. "That's so SAD!" Also, why didn't he just use a spell FOR changing fur colour? Cela would never know how Gryffindor minds worked. Never ever, but her heart went out to Ron Weasley and his obviously misunderstood brothers, and kudos to this boy for knowing such a sad story Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Sierra sat there, eyeing this young woman for more than one reason. On one hand, she knew her from somewhere--but where? Toussaint... Toussaint... Then on the other hand, MERLIN she was PERKY. She was a Ravenclaw? Weren't they supposed to be...studious or something? Ehh...
It wasn't like the lady would study her entire life. Although, here she was teaching during her free time.
Sierra gave an inward shrug. Oh. Oops. She missed the first question. She blamed the distracting thoughts. Raising her hand, she said, "Mrs. Kettleburn? Err...Cela? You know what really bothers me? Flipnsnipwitit," she said. "We use it all the time, and it really does trim plants properly, just sounds like something somebody made up, and it just randomly did the job they hoped it would do."
She lowered her hand. "Oh, and...I know you from somewhere," she randomly said.
CELA KNEW THAT ONE! Bunz had taught it to her in Herbology, in like, third year or something! Teehee! "Flipnsnipwitit is also REALLY good for giving haircuts." Just fyi. "It does sound pretty funny though!" And was a good example of a nonsense incantation that actually did something.
Oh and she knew her. Well totally. "Myyyy big brother works with your big sister." Celandine provided helpfully, adding a great big smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by JennyWeasley06 ughh, Ariana didn't want to stretch but she didn't want to seem like she was doing nothing. So she threw her body forward and just touched her toes her hair flying down over and in front of her she let out a sigh and just hung there... and hung until they moved on to something else.. Anything else.. She wanted to do the seminar but just didnt want to strech. Was the Slytherin sad? Oh! That was sad. Cela felt a bit bad. Poor Slytherin.They were always so angsty all the time! Probably that was the problem. Probably she had the angst. Well, Cela decided that she would be SUPER nice to her. Poor angsty snakey. Exercise would TOTALLY help her work it out of her system! Yeah! Quote:
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife FUNcantations. What?
Kat remembered something. She raised her hand, "I remember Professor Dumbledore's quote, but I didn't mean to offend anyone," Kat said. "“Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! I just find it kinda funny. No offense, though."
"Well those are strange words for sure." She giggled. "But not really incantations. And it was sort of a jab at the different houses I think." Maybe. She'd read something about that somewhere, in a book that analyzed all the headmistress and headmaster speeches. Cela wondered for a moment if Tate's 'don't die' speeches would ever make it into a volume of those books, and made a mental note to look into it. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Lowering her right leg and switching to the left, Kurumi began to stretch her quad when they moved on to the next question. Several of the examples she had thought of had already been mentioned, so the Gryffindor's hand remained down for the time being. Hmm... to be entirely honest, ALL spells sounded nonsense to her. was a weird language that only people like Selina seemed to enjoy. Finding her balance a little, Kurumi raised her hand to sort of, erm, ask a question instead. " Cela, can nonsense incantations also encompass their wand movements? I know this seminar is about wandless magic, but there are some wand movements out there that just seem....ridiculous," Kurumi said as she wobbled a little on her one leg. " For example...we just learned Explaeris recently...and the wand movement was us flapping our a duck."
If that wasn't nonsense then she didn't know what was.
"Oh totally. There are all sorts of silly movements. But you know, to some people, silly things are perfectly ordinary, you know? Its all about what you are used to, and if you think about it," And Cela thought about things all the time, so she was totally an expert on such things, "Flapping your arm its sort of like a pumping motion right? Sometimes if you think of ways to make silly things make sense, it helps you accept it better and then you'll totally be more natural with it instead of really awkward!" She was sure of it! SPOILER!!: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boooooooo! Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella returned the smile she received from Cela, continuing to stretch as she listened about...wait! Some dude conjured a buffalo? That was...BRILLIANT. It made the third year wonder if she could conjure an elephant to appear. BEAM. Imagine? Ella couldn't help but grin at the thought of being at dinner with her family and accidentally conjuring an elephant into their dining room. Hehehe. Gran would FREAK.
Hmm...nonsense incantations? Ella wasn't too sure but she recalled several Disney movies that used magical words. "What about Bibbity Bobbity Boo? The fairy godmother says those words in Cinderella and they're meant to be magical." And besides, they were quite fun to say! Quote:
Originally Posted by TSnitch Irina smiled before she bent to the side and began stretching. She leaned to the next side and stretched before squatting to the floor. Stretching out one long lean leg, she deepened her squat and did the same with the other leg.
She began stretching her arms and back and neck so that she could be as limber as possible for the activities to come.
She raised her hand and asked, "What about 'bipty, bopty, boo?" She beamed at first one girl and then the other. "Ooooh yes! Thats totally exactly the thing! Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!" Yeah! "Sometimes muggles that imagine magic, or have heard stories, imagine that one incantation might work for every sort of spell. But Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi bobbidi boo is definitely nonsense! It means nothing and doesn't make sense that it could do so many different kinds of spells with the same incantation. But that Disney guy, he did get some things right." Big wink. SPOILER!!: abracaaadaaaabraaaa! and supercalifragi...*morelettershere* Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin "Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious?" Vivi reached for the end of her ponytail before realizing she was wearing her hair in braids. Nothing to twirl. Not that she was a hair twirler, but STILL.
If she was.
Vivi grabbed her foot up behind her and balanced on one leg as she thought. All these teachers were trying to get her to be better on her feet by making her DO THINGS while she answered. It was an interesting approach.
"What about 'abracadabra'? I know it's primarily used by Muggles pretending to be wizards, but it comes from the same root as the Killing Curse and so has its basis in an actual magical incantation. It seems to have become a sort of catch-all term - they use it for pulling things out of hats or finding the right card or whatever. It has no pinned down anticipated outcome." Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Belle wondered for a moment and thought of a muggle word for magic. "Cela isn't a word called Abba Cadabra used by magicians but it doesn't mean anything in the muggle world?" Belle has heard it used before so that is why she asked. She even continued to stretch and get warmed up in the process. Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Er...Elliot stretched a little more...listening to this Celandine girl talk....streeeetch....she even thought about jogging. Whatever. Her workout clothes were useless and tight...and uncomfortable...why did people think this was comfy?! BECAUSE IT WASN'T!
Hmm..."Hey! Isn't 'Abera Cadabra one?" She had heard this one...before. Muggles said it a lot. It sounded a lot like Aveda Kedavra...were they related? Hmm. Open Seasame was also one...but she didn't want to say that one. Quote:
Originally Posted by hjhm ................ This seminar is making Juliet fleeing with joy. Wandless magic but it's about dance magic. Take her wand with her or not she'll sure be enjoying the entire time with this seminar.
Still stretching those legs and well, all the parts of her body. She listened to the former head girl and prefect. She's really pretty and Juliet cannot believe she's a mother or two. Wow. That's a big accomplishment in life.
They moved to talking about funcantation, fun plus incantations. Juliet giggled at that. It's fun making your own words you know. As for her questions, YES, to pronouncing some spells wrong. Quite frankly, she may have grew up in France and may have been educated in the english language but her Korean tongue will always get in the way. So yeah, she had to be more careful and be more specific with her pronunciation with spells. She doesn't want anything exploding nor caught on fire because of a mispronounced spell. Standing up, Juliet stretched her arm. nonsense incantations? There's a lot if you think about it like 'Ridikkulus'. It only works on boggarts and it's not like you encounter a boggart on a daily basis. incantations that don't actually mean anything?
Hmmmm... Juliet thought about this too. She then raised her hand "Well, muggles have this 'abracadabra' spell" which is not a spell because it doesn't really open doors. There is an actual spell for opening doors. Quote:
Originally Posted by verbain Tarantallegra! That was the one he was thinking of! The one that sounded like Tarantula.
Theo nodded along to the explanation that Cela gave. He could relate. He ALWAYS said incantations wrong. He was lucky that he hadn't seriously injured himself. Like when he thought the reversing spell was pronounced 'Roberto'. That was a fine example.
"Well..." Theodore began. As for someone that didn't know many spells at the top of his head, he thought he'd use a muggle world example. "When I was growing up, I alwaaaaays heard 'Abracadabra'." And when he got to Hogwarts, he actually tried it, but nothing happened. So he guessed it was made up.
"I don't think it's real..." "Ooooh another Disney one!" Happy clapping. And totally a fun to say nonsense word. "Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious isn't really an incantation, so much as a nonsense word, since it wasn't ever said to be a spell like some of them." She nodded when Abracadabra was brought up, but had to clarify there for the bunch of them. "Abracadabra loosely translates from Aramaic actually! Avda Kedavra, which is slightly different from the killing curse. And it pretty much means 'created by my words' which would suggest it comes from a conjuring spell of some sort but historically its use has been associated with healing magic. Quintus Sammonicus Serenus was a Wizard from the third century AD who wrote about it, but much of what he wrote was either lost or destroyed. One of the coolest theories --its in one of the books in the restricted section, if you're interested, Abracadabra and the Killing Curse-- is that muggles tried to use it to fight off the plague just before the statute was signed, having heard old stories about the use of it, so its always been known as a magical word, but the actual spell has been lost to us. avada kedavra is from Aramaic roots too, slightly different but totally related, even if the meanings are kind of opposite. One of the theories in the book is that the original Abracadabra, whatever it was before it got adopted by muggles, was actually a counterspell or a protective spell for the killing curse. Just like any spell, if you just say the incantation but don't have the intent and stuff, you can't cast anything. So that's what that is. Its almost just a word now. Maybe one day someone will discover what it did as a spell." Books were awesome. Lots of cool stuff was in books. And that there was her Ravenclaw totally showing through. SPOILER!!: Hocus Pocus! Quote:
Originally Posted by Saz Hale Arabella-Marie thought and raised her hand and said "Isn't Hocus Pocus something that is used in the muggle world" Quote:
Originally Posted by Gabrielle Her stupid sign. It didn't even appear in her mind without the word 'stupid' attached before it. Her stupid sign was stupid enough with people just READING it. But now, it had somehow decided to hate her even more and swing around while she walked into the classroom. It was her second day with it.
She took a name tag and scribbled 'Glenn Reyes' onto it quickly. Heh. Same handwriting obviously. Well, best be known for her name than 'the girl who lost points and has to wear a sign'. Wearing comfy work-outish clothes and her hair (Straightened. No way she was having her natural frizzy hair) tied back in a ponytail, she nodded at the well - not professor and joined in the stretches.
Streeeeeeeetching down to touch her toes, Glenn held that position for a couple of seconds before sitting down and starting another. She could stretch... dance? Eh.
Okay... Cela. FUNcantations? Sounded.. cheesy. But whatever. Pausing her stretch, she held up a hand, "Uh - is Hocus Pocus one?" Muggle children also her mother said that one. "Oh that's another totally interesting one." Celandine answered with great enthusiasm. "Hax Pax Max Deus Adimax! One of the suggested origins of Hocus Pocus! There are a bunch of interesting theories, but I think the most interesting source of 'Hocus Pocus' comes from Thomas Ady's Candle in the Dark: Or, A Treatise Concerning the Nature of Witches & Witchcraft where he said that witches say nonsense latin incantations like 'Hocus pocus, tontus talontus, vade celeriter jubeo' not to actually make magic but to distract muggles while the witches cast horrible hexes and stuff, sort of like a verbal slight of hand."
So yayyyy. "Good answer!" SPOILER!!: Alakazam, Presto Chango, SHAZAM! Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel knew about a couple words. He felt that he stretch as much as he could. He did not want to pull anything stretching. Nigel stopped and started to answer this awesome professor's question. "You mean awesome words like alakazam, Presto chango, and my favorite SHAZAM!!"
Using magic words were a lot of fun. Mostly because they were really fun to say. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory was continuing his stretches. He was enjoying it very much dressed in his Puff coloured clothing and sneakers. "Can alacazam work?'' he asked. It was one of those silly things Muggles said to kids when entertaining them with ''magic'' tricks. "Totally awesome ones! Alakazam sounds like it should do something impressive, but its definitely nonsense. Same with those other ones. Muggles magicians definitely use them!" but nothing would happen. Poor muggles. SPOILER!!: Expellimellius! Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Oh? She was right? Cool. Penelope returned the air high five and then went back to stretching once again as Cela began to explan stuff further? Baruffio? She vaguely remembered hearing that name before. Or maybe she'd read it in one of those books her grandparents had. She couldn't remember.
Other nonsense incantations though? Hm. The second year had to think for a bit, trying to remember anything else useful she'd read about when she'd been bored at her grandparents' house. After a minute or so, she thought she had an answer. "I think I read about a spell called 'Expellimellius,'" she said, raising her hand. "The person-" she couldn't remember the name "-who cast it was supposed to be casting Expelliarmus." But they got the incantation wrong, obviously. Sounded like something she herself would do. Maybe that was why she remembered it, even if the person's name slipped her mind. Quote:
Originally Posted by grangerfan8 Dora was totally into all this stretching, which was odd cause she usually didn't like this kinda stuff. Maybe it was cause of all the yoga they had to do in defense lessons. All that previous stretching and answering type thing made it much easier to give responses in this lesson.
She was doing one if those yoga stretches as she glanced over at Penelope. "I read that. She set someone on fire with Expellimellius." Which Dora had some thoughts on, but that wasn't her response so she didn't go further into it and instead briefly raised her hand to speak... again. "Harmonia Nectere Passus can be a mouthful," Though it clearly wasn't for her. "It's used on vanishing cabinets, ones that are broken or ones that need a bit perfecting." "Its why you have to pay attention in class see? I feel bad for people that mess up so badly." Expelliarmus wasn't exactly HARD. "Oohhh yeah thats quite a mouthful! It does have some meaning behind it though." ----------
Where was she? Oh yeah. Cela stopped stretching and smiled around at the students. "So some incantations that are nonsense seem to work anyways, and some don't at all. Isn't that funnnnnny? Like, why do you think some work? Do you suppose they have some kind of personal meaning or actual unknown meaning behind the nonsense words? Or do you think its just about finding the right way to focus? Think about it for a bit, if you have thoughts you totes can share." They could! If they wanted to! She was up for discussing stuff, but she wasn't going to force anyone into it either. "What I'm going to share though, is my personal favourite nonsense incantation which is actually a rhyme and a really long one at that aaaand its the origin of a far more simple spell, the packing spell! Spells can be refined over time see? And some that we use today, were originally a whole bunch more words. Anyways, its featured by Disney TOO! How strange is that? Its because Walt Disney was a Wizard, obviously." Obviously. His brother wasn't though. Nope. Disney was muggleborn. "Anyways, it goes: 'higitus figitus migitus mum prestidigitonium!', which is definitely nonsense, but works all the same!" If you wanted to do the packing charm the long way.
She stood there with hands on hips. They looked pretty warmed up, didn't they? Good start! "So some of the BEST FUNcantations are nonsense, and a lot of them are actually rhymes, or incantations in verse or song form. You'll see a lot of that in literature, both muggle and magical." And that was where it started getting FUN.
"One more boring bit and then we can get into the FUN stuff!" Yay. Happy clapping! "Can you guys think of any examples of wandless magic? You can be as specific or as general as you like! I just want to get an idea of what you all know or think you know! This is the chance for you to finish up with your warming up too! Because we're gonna get active in a minute!"
ooc: *collapses* I'm sorry she talks soooo muuuuch. those of you that I missed I'll edit in at the top in a bit. If I skipped you entirely VM me! eep! Sorry if I did! This is your charrie's chance to give their opinions and thoughts on what has come up already, and talk a bit about what they know about wandless magic. Specific examples are all good, or general examples. Just whatever you think your character knows! Questions are welcome too, but soon we'll move on to the maiiiin event. OR if your charrie wants to stay silent, that is cool too, they can just warm up and stretch or whatever. I'll continue things properly tomorrow, probably in around 12ish hours from the time on this post. But I may post here and there answering individual questions, maybe. Possibly.
edit: am extending reply time to 24 hours from the time of this post
__________________ love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 09-24-2012 at 02:06 AM.