Vanora's face was in her palm.
And if there weren't worms all over the ground now, and a crazy Peeves floating around who she had to keep her eyes on, there were Fire Crabs in the cages after all. She didn't even want to think about what he would do if he noticed them, she would have plopped herself right down on the and pouted until everything calmed down.
As it was, though, even through all the chaos, there were still questions being asked and she peeked an eye out through her fingers. She didn't want to see anything!
SPOILER!!: Elliot & Sierra!
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At the word jewels Elliot's ears perked Up. They were..preeeeetty. And why would only muggles want them for their jewels? Elliot wanted a firecrab. And NOW. She thought about sending a letter to her father immediately following class and asking for a firecrab. She just wanted a jeweled pet. SO PRETTY!
She raised her hand, though. "So, Professor, Muggles about these creatures?" Shewanted to know..since they used the jewels? Weird.
And she turned to Hannah, "Wanna' work together? Silly me. Of COURSE you do," she said with a smirk as she went to go get two firecrab cages...okaaaaay...she came back and handed one to the Slytherin. Heh. She waited for further instruction.
Maybe Creatures wouldn't be so bad. Elliot could deal with thi--
Elliot jumped up, seeing the STUPID poltergeist! She saw it coming before he did it....she covered her face, ducking a bit....but she felt them...IN HER HAIR.
"PROFESSOR GET THEM OUT! THEIR IN MY HAIR GET THEM OUT GET THEM OUT!!" she yelped, jumping around and shaking her head towards the ground..Merlin...she was flailing around like an IDIOT. She "MY HAAAAAAAIR!" Her beautiful, blonde hair.
Worms. She turned to Hannah, still flailing about and looking like she was having a spasm..."Haaaanaaah!" she cried, wibbling a little.
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
"Whoa...wait!" Sierra exclaimed, looking over at the Claw just next to her. The girl was going mad with the thought of worms in her hair, and...well, Sierra couldn't blame her. At the same time, though--these worms, they were valuable in things like potions (well, flobberworms, at least), and...Sierra just couldn't stand to see them destroyed.
"Stand still," she instructed. "You're going to...give them a heart attack." could worms even have a heart attack? "Just...stop shaking and try to keep still, and I'll get them out." She started gently plucking the worms from the girl's hair and putting them back into a nearby jar.
"There...see," she said, showing her the jar, "...they're coming out, and...we're keeping all the professor's hard-earned worms in the process." She smirked at that. It was an amusing thought.
"Muggles have a way of only seeing what they want to see. Especially when it comes to things they don't know about. We're not exactly sure what they think they're hunting, but I'm sure they don't think it's anything like this." She used her free hand to gesture towards one of the creatures and would have said more if..
..she hadn't gone and started freaking out like the rest of the class. Really! They were only
They should be more scared of the Fire Crabs. Groaning to herself, she moved her hand from her face and was just about to go and get the worms from the girl's hair, but thankfully, Sierra beat her to it. And she even put the worms in a jar!
"Thank you, Sierra." Quote:
Originally Posted by
THE Govoni
...And as an afterthought..."Professor, should we gather the worms back up for you?" Really, she'd been collecting them at the beginning of the lesson. Seemed like a terrible waste to just have them then taken and splayed everywhere.
At least there were a few who were worried about her worms. Glancing around, Vanora took notice of just how many of the worms were on the ground before waving her hand dismissively in Dylan's direction.
"It's all right, you can just leave them. I'll just worry about the Gnomes if they come." Thanks a lot, Peeves.
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Minerva heard the voice before she saw him. PEEVES... really PEEVES.. he was always around at the craziest time. Minerva remembered the last time she saw him, was at the capture the flag game. Then there were worms on her she couldn't help but smile a bit and put the bucket down. Pulling worms off of her she collected them nicely in her hand. "Professor, where do you want these worms that were in my hair?" she walked towards the professor collecting worms as she went, no sense in leaving them where people could step on them. She came to one that was half in the ground but she pulled it carefully and took it out of the ground.
"You can just put them back on the ground. They'll find their way back in the dirt on their own." Quote:
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Yes, professor woman you heard it right and the look you were giving to him was not going to change his ideas about the relationship between Hogwarts' girls and Fire Crabs. Wondering what she would say, though, the Slytherin stared back at the woman and when she spoke, he had to raise his eyebrows.
Something wrong? With him?
He thought there was something wrong with the girls. ''Maybe you are right. I should have also included the mood. They are as friendly as a Fire Crab.'' The only difference was that girls did not shoot fire out of their butts as the professor said Fire Crabs would do. He had to admit though, they were interesting creatures. Both the girls and Fire Crab and if he supposed he could practice his skills of befriending girls with the Fire Crabs. If he managed to befriend a Fire Crab maybe he could befriend a Hogwarts girl too. Nice reasoning. Hehehe.
Something really wrong with that one.
Vanora simply gave the boy a look and decided not to say anything back to him.
SPOILER!!: Ariana, Theo and Kurumi XD
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She watched an saw him open his to kurumi which only meant one thing.. Theo Kinsley ate a worm..... UGHH "Professor are worms good to eat if you were to swallow one because i think Mr Kingsley Might need some help." she said pointing to the Crying slytherin boy
Ariana had gotten all the worms off of her and they were going back into the dirt 'bye bye suckers.' she said as she gave the worms a mental wave goodbye
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When Theo was a safe distance from the Fire Crabs, he heard a faint apology and he GLARED up to see who it was. Wait? KURUMI? The lovely Prefect that he'd met a while back? Well... she certainly wasn't lovely anymore. Theo pointed his finger at her. "YOU PUSHED ME OVER! I'm telling on you!" He thought the Head of Gryffindor House would be an appropriate professor.
HOLD UP, THERE WAS A WORM ON HIS FACE. Theodore screamed, allowing the worm easy access to his mouth. And with a pop, he'd swallowed it.
And now he was crying.
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Oh, wait, well...she HAD just tripped over him, so he did have a reason to be upset with her. WAIT WHAT?! "
I-I-I did?!" she squeaked as she finally came to a rolling stop. Had THAT been what had happened when she had been flailing about trying to get the worms out of her uniform? "
I didn't mean to! Are you alright?! I'm really sorry Theo...I was just tr----"
Did he...
Was that....
Did you just swallow a worm?!" Oh gosh....that!
And then the Slytherin was crying and tugging on Kurumi's heart strings.
M-M-Maybe it didn't go all the way down?" she suggested as she scurried over behind him and gave his back a firm pat.
When Professor Newlin said don't hurt them...did that know....stomach juices slowly digesting them?

Someone ATE a WORM!?
Why in the name of Merlin would they do that? Hadn't they heard her say not to hurt any of them? That was worse than squashing them! Looking past Ariana, Vanora's eyes landed on Theodore who.. was crying. Well, that could have been because Kurumi had pushed him, but knowing that that was just an accident, she figured the crying had to do with the worm. She made her way over to the pair.
"Worms are full of protein." So he could stop crying now, right? Protein was good!
"And there will be no throwing up." The worm was probably already dead anyway. Best to just.. leave it.
It would come out.. eventually.
SPOILER!!: Nigel and Peeves. <_<
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He already had a bucket, a brush and a washcloth by him. Yeah Nigel has been practicing the accio spell in his free time. All he had to do was walk over to a fire crab. Nigel did not really want to get up and go to a fire crab right now. So he decided to stay laying on the ground until Professor Newlin took care of Peeves. Nigel had no problem with worms. They could not bite him like spiders and snakes can.
Nigel even decided to close his eyes and take a nap until somebody woke him or shouted at him. He did not really want to work with a partner and since she did not say it was mandatory. He would work alone on this one. If he ever woke up that is.
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♦ Peeves ♦
Professor NO Fun say what? She wanted to MARCH? Well Peeves could help with that. Swooping down behind the Professor he started to yell out. "ONWARD MARCH! LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT RIGHT LEFT!"
He would have continued with his drill sergeant voice but he caught sight of...
...a DEAD kid... that no one was paying attention to.
"OOOOH, SOMEONE'S IN TROUBLE. SOMEONE KILLED THAT BOY!" Zooming over to the boy laying on the ground he quickly started to shovel dirt on him.
They couldn't very well leave him there like that. He would scare all the little kiddies away with his dead self.
Of course Peeves would just ignore what she had said about the Bloody Baron and pick out the one word she wished she hadn't.
Flinching only a little bit as the Poltergeist started to yell from behind her, Vanora placed her hands on her hips, determined just to ignore him. Ignoring him always worked while she attended Hogwarts, and after Nigel woke up and uncovered himself from the dirt, it seemed the rest of the students started ignoring him as well.
Good. It meant that he would leave, right? And she could continue with the lesson? She was not about to bring the Fire Crabs out with
him still around.
"All right." Hopefully.
"Finish finding your partners if you're not working alone, and grabbing your supplies. And if you have any worms still on you, just, you know, brush them off."
Now, could she just sit and pout?
OOC: There's still about.. 13 hours before the lesson moves on! =D