Clothing. Right. If had hadn't been for certain older students somewhat taking Kurumi under their wing and telling her that stripes and polka dots did not really go together...Kurumi would be entirely lost.
HELLO! Had anyone seen her during the fashion seminar last term? She had mostly been mimicking her grandmother when she had come up with a pattern and the dress, well, it was something that she had seen in a magazine once - and still wanted it.
So when Kurumi entered the room Professor Magnus had set up for them to use for their homework...Kurumi felt looooooooooost. During the lesson she had barely managed a stripped t-shirt before Elijah had been half naked and talking about...things.
Which reminded her that she still needed to ask Lewis if he knew how to make his pecs dance like Elijah had. Hehe.
But, um, right...thinking about transfiguring clothing right now...not pecs. FOCUS HOLLINGBERRY!
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Since Vivi had made pretty much the coolest jacket ever during her time in class, she was sort of dragging her feet to the classroom in order to spend more time practicing the spell again. She'd tapped out her creativity coming up with that jacket concept, and the thought of designing and creating another shirt was sort of overwhelming.
She kept hoping she'd come up with something genius just by staring at the mannequin and plastic bags. Inspiration could strike at any time. Or something like that.
Once in the classroom, Vivi gathered a couple of bags (in case of emergencies) and went looking down the line of mannequins for the one wearing her name. "Hello there, lovely," she bowed her head at the mannequin before draping the first bag over its head. Her head... Vivi-quin was a girl. "What would you like to wear today?"
Kurumi grabbed some trash bags - in case she melted one again, and walked over to the mannequins when she noticed Vivi - who got a finger wiggle greeting just as a light bulb went off in her head. "
Heeeeeeeey Vivi," Kurumi greeted, finger still wiggling a little.
The Ravenclaw had managed to make a rather impressive looking jacket during the lesson, not to mention always seemed to be well put together in comparison to maaaaaaaaaybe they could work together on this assignment? Yes. PLEASE?!
Kurumi slipped one of the trash bags over the mannequin in front of her and then sort of scooted it a little closer to Vivi's in an oh-so-obvious way.