No. No.
NO. That idea about the Hulk and the candy and the crown would not do. She had to think of something better. Maybe a lion? No. Very un-original. And boring. And complicated. And there would be many copycats for that idea. Nuh-uh. She needed a better idea for a shirt, something easier to design. But the idea of something Gryffindor-y was cool. She could totally represent with that. But a lion was too hard. Lazy people like little Alice Fischer didn't do hard. No way.
So. No hardness whatsoever.
She tossed some more bits of paper in some random girl's hairspray-and-gunk-covered hair before turning back to her doodles. After taking a couple of coloured crayons and scribbling as neatly as possible, she managed to come up with a
final design for her rubbish bag shirt. .. Well.. it wasn't the WORST design known to man.. but it possibly came in a close second. The reddish-orange and yellow crayons she had used to colour it formed a blend that was painful to the eyes. It ended in a zig zag of faded out stripes and.. it was very Alice-like. At least, she thought so.
Now for the hard part. Transfiguring.