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Old 09-22-2012, 11:48 PM   #36 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Text Cut: Celaaa
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post

She straightened up and clapped a few times enthusiastically to get everyone's attention.

"Okay everyone! Lets get started! I hope you're all warmed up but if you're not we'll keep stretching while we chat about a few things to begin with. My name is Celandine Kettleburn! I went here once -- I was Celandine Toussaint back then though!--and Iiiiiii was in Ravenclaw," Of course! "And,"

She beamed around at the students, pausing and meeting each of their their eyes as she spoke, "I was a prefect and Head Girl," And here she paused and gave Louisa a full beam, approving smile. OBVIOUSLY she was totes deserving of her badge too. Obviously because there was a precedent. Instant approval from the blonde. Ravenclaw Head Girls were the BEST, clearly. AND they had the best boyfriends. Truth. "and I graduated... oh well I suppose it was about seven terms ago now! You can all call me Celandine, or Cela." Since that was her name and she wasn't a professor and she was likely to start giggling if people started calling her Mrs Kettleburn. And besides! She liked her name! She pointed at her name tag as she spoke. Where was she? Oh yeah, teaching stuff!

"This seminar is all about easy and fun wandless magic, and I call it FUNcantations and Dance Magic. What do you think a FUNcantation might be? And what about Daaaance magic?" Teehee! She was asking questions!

Oh like Cassia needed someone to make her more excited. The second-year mirrored Cela's excitement without even meaning too. Why weren't all their professors like this? Actually ,it probably was a good thing or else Cassia would've spent the lessons jumping and squeaking. It was fortunate that Cassia didn't have that fourth piece of candy because she didn't need any more sugar!

So they were starting!

Shifting her weight from foot to foot ,Cassia's hand shot up in the air, "I think it might have an emotional meaning to it more than a practical one." She was just assuming as she wasn't a Ravenclaw so Eh…don't expect smart answers. "You know magic doesn't have to be restricted to casting spells in the boring famous and familiar way . It's also about having fun while doing the magic." Or so she hoped . "Maybe you should feel magical from the inside." Excuse the hyper second-year who just had Candy before coming here.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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