Alice skipped into the already crowded room, weaving through the hoard of other children to reach the mannequins. She most definitely did NOT want to design a shirt, but she figured she would need to. After settling herself down near a mannequin, she dumped out the contents of her bag and spread them out in her work area. To start off, she decided to sketch out her shirt like some others she had observed. The little lioness pulled out some colouring tools and a blank sheet of paper and began to work.
Hmm. Now. What to design? Yes, little Alice Fischer was not the best fashion designer. She didn't even choose more than a third of her wardrobe, let alone have an interest in
fashion. But Transfiguration was her favourite subject, so she had to give it a go.
After ten minutes of searching her brain
and throwing little bits of paper at the other students she finally got her brain thinking. She began to down scrawl ideas.
Because she could so totally make a shirt that had the Hulk with a crown on his head, eating a piece of candy.