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Old 09-22-2012, 11:20 PM   #29 (permalink)
Formerly: Tegz
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

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lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

SPOILER!!: chatters gonna chat, and Cellybear don't mind
Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Arabella-Marie smiled at what Mrs Kettleburn said and started to warm up like the rest of the students who were in attendance
Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
As the professor was instructing them to warm up, she was twisting, reaching and stretching. It made he feel good and plus she was stressed all this week. It was nice to exercise. Then Belle saw a familiar face. "Hey Arabella, how are you doing??" Belle asked kindly.
Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Arabella-Marie smiled at Belle and said "Doing good thanks Belle and yourself, have not seen you since we arrived at Hogwarts" Arabella-Marie continued to warm up while she chatted
Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Belle smiled and replied, "Oh yeah, i have been busy with classes and doing lessons and also doing my prefect duties. I rarely have a break. I mostly talk with people in classes and common room. The train ride seems like ages ago. What have you been up to?"
Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Arabella-Marie smiled and said "Hmm not a lot classes and well just touring the school for a final time" Arabella-Marie stretched down to the ground and touched her toes this was going to keep her fit for qudditch after she left

Teehee. Multitaskers! Cela didn't mind chatting as long as they were still doing stuff. That was good by her and she left them be.

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
Dora wasn't a strangler. She was still technically early which was good for her cause she didn't plan on rushing all those floors. Why when she was gonna get her exercise in this lesson? The second year did skip into the class, and on a spur decided to pick a spot beside Penelope after getting a Ravenclaw nametag and writing Isidora Miroslava on it.

"Hi..." Professor Kettleburn? She didn't know if this woman was a real professor or not, so a simple hello and smile would have to do for now. Penelope got a smile to only it was a bit more genuine and then distracted as she went on to do stretchy stuff beside the lion.
"Hi!" Cela greeted in return, approving of the skipping.

And you know, of the house. Big smile for the young Ravenclaw.

Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
So much for staying unnoticed, Gideon mused to himself, the young woman instructor bringing him to her attention by nudging him to stretch. Right...he should have been doing that before now. And had he noticed her acting familiar to Vi? Another acquaintance of her mother?

"Aye M--Celadine," he said letting her know he understood and using the name she had mentioned using. Gideon bending over and starting to stretch both his arms and legs, figuring both would probably be useful for whatever they would be doing when they began.
"Almost! CelaNdine. Maybe you best just stick to Cela." Poor Gryffindor. Did he call his house Gryffidor? Poor house. Maybe he had best just stick to Gryffie, too. And now he was stretching! Good boy! Approval.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Elliot should have known that since the clothes they had to wear out clothes, she wasn't going to like this seminar.

Firstly, Elliot DIDN'T work out. Heck, she didn't need to. Everyone be jealous because Elliot Morganzo can be skinny without having to get all sweaty. This is probably only because she doesn't like many foods...and is vegetarian...but still.

Secondly...her sunglasses were not helpful. She didn't know how muggles wore them. A shading spell would be soooo much more helpful. Sunglasses SUCKED.

Sigh. She placed her things in a blue cubby, grabbed a Ravenclaw nametage and scribbled her name on it quickly before placing it on her shirt...hmm. "Er, Hello....not professor..." she said awkwardly...since the lady wasn't a professor...Merlin.

She saw some people tried to reach down and touch her toes..well...FAIL. Because Elliot wasn't flexible. At all.
And that was totes why Elliot Morganzo totally DID need to work out. Flexibility was important tooooo!

"Hello! Just call me Celandine, and don't worry if you aren't as flexible as meeeeeeee, you just have to work really hard and one day you'll be okay, I'm totally sure!" Encouragement! She was SO good at encouragement.

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
It was a needed, exciting and very interesting change in their usual class schedule and there was no way was Louisa going to miss it or let Vickers think about missing it. Holding his wrist hand the Ravenclaw couple walked into the.... gym? The girl's face beaming and smiling widely, "I can feel it, this is going to be a break from bureaucratic classes." They had a lot of those unfortunately.

Ignoring any huffs, complaints, sighs and whatnot from Vick, Louisa continued toward the cubbies where she dumped her pink backpack and flashed him yet another beaming smile. Upon seeing the name tags she maneuvered the two of them, because the boy might sneak out of here maybe?, toward the table and scribbled down, 'Louisa Carter, Head Girl'. She kept staring at the place and who had arrived yet and who hadn't as Vickers was supposed to write his own nametag.

Over to the teacher, who looked almost as excited as everyone else, "Hello...uhh.. Ms. Kettleburn." Mrs? Madame? Professor? Celandine? Whatever her title was, she got a Louisa smile and nod.
Oh! Head Girl! Oh RAVENCLAW Head Girl! Celandine happy clapped to preface her greeting.

"Hi! Welcome!" Louisa got a CELA smile and nod. And happy clap. It was a happy clap sort of afternoon.


Cela waved at the pair of them.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Emmanuelle, a straggler? Pfffft! Not unless straggler suddenly meant two minutes early. And if it did, she hadn't gotten the memo. Anyway, as she walked into the class, the first thing she noticed was the cubby bins. Thank Merlin! She hurried over to stuff her duffle bag in one, before hurrying over to the table with the name tags. She hurriedly scribbled Emmanuelle Moreau on a Slytherin one (making sure it was legible still, of course). Having done that, she found herself a spot a good distance from anyone else. Wouldn't want to hit anyone, after all. "Hello, Ms. Kettleburn," she greeted before starting to stretch.
"Hello!" Celandine greeted, watching the girl smartly take a spot not too clustered up with anyone. That was smart.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
The 'wandless magic' was what appealed Aidan in this lesson. Not that dance nonsense. That was for girls.

He was only a little apprehensive, though, because he'd been most epic-ly failing at magic ever since he got here. But maybe wandless would actually be easier for him? He did have powers before he got a wand, after all. Maybe it was the wand that was throwing him off.

He was too good for wands.

The boy walked into the seminar with much less energy than any other class. Because he was most nervous. Hopefully, it would be more magic, less dance. And definitely magic on his part.

He gave the lady a shy smile, wrote his name on a Ravenclaw nametag, and started stretching, half-heartedly mirroring the lady's movements.

"Welcomewelcome!" Celandine greeted with an encouraging smile. Nawww! A little ickle!claw! ONEDAY her babies would be 'claws. They would. And they would hopefully get to have fun classes like this one obviously was going to be.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel was taken back by this woman's happiness. He agreed that she was awesome too. For not taking points way for his name tag. He started to warm up thinking that they would be doing a lot of exercise. Cela seemed to have a infinite amount of energy.

He tried to get a loose as he could before Cela asked them to do anymore.
What a sweetie! And so quiet and FOCUSED too! Celandine smiled again and went back to stretching.

Originally Posted by THE Govoni View Post
Making his way through the Great Hall and into the side room, Dylan took his surroundings in. The noticeboard had instructed to dress comfortably for dancing magic. Personally, the Slytherin was stoked. New types of casting and such. And seeing the gymnasium-style classroom...he was sorely reminded of home.

Sports!! FOOTBALL! *misses*

Anyhow, depositing his bag in a cubby, he moved further into the room, throwing random grins, smirks, and glares at different people. Mostly because he could. Who was stopping him? Exactly.

To be safe, however...he would greet the Professor properly. She didn't look much older than them...and she was quite attractive. Dylan always had a hard being unpleasant to pretty people. "Hello, ma'am." Yes, ma'am. The Slytherin was totally polite.

...And while he was waiting, what not jog in place and do jumping jacks? Limber up, yo!

Ma'am! She was a Ma'am!

It made her giggle.


And Cela certainly wasn't stopping the boy with all those expressions. Or nervous ticks. Best not to draw attention to it in case he was sensitive. *sympathy*

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
"Yes, that... happens," Vivi glanced at herself wryly. Big was sort of a relative thing, but she was bigger certainly than when Celandine had been a student and her mother Headmistress.

Probably wouldn't get much bigger in the future, though. Sad but true.

"I'll call you Celandine, but... you know." Don't tell her mother. That was not appropriate behavior when a child converses with an adult. Big not allowed thing.

But stretching, yes. She could do stretching. Vivi took up a spot near Gert and bumped him lightly with her hip in a friendly nonverbal hello before she went about reaching for her toes and all that.
IT DID! It really did. Even her own babies were growing super fast. And WERE super fast. Nobody had ever really given her a heads up that toddlers could... well, toddle, so fast. But they did. Or maybe that was a Cela trait they'd inherited.

Celandine gave Vivi a theatrical wink. Yup. She KNEW. Carry on stretching. Carry on.


She straightened up and clapped a few times enthusiastically to get everyone's attention.

"Okay everyone! Lets get started! I hope you're all warmed up but if you're not we'll keep stretching while we chat about a few things to begin with. My name is Celandine Kettleburn! I went here once -- I was Celandine Toussaint back then though!--and Iiiiiii was in Ravenclaw," Of course! "And,"

She beamed around at the students, pausing and meeting each of their their eyes as she spoke, "I was a prefect and Head Girl," And here she paused and gave Louisa a full beam, approving smile. OBVIOUSLY she was totes deserving of her badge too. Obviously because there was a precedent. Instant approval from the blonde. Ravenclaw Head Girls were the BEST, clearly. AND they had the best boyfriends. Truth. "and I graduated... oh well I suppose it was about seven terms ago now! You can all call me Celandine, or Cela." Since that was her name and she wasn't a professor and she was likely to start giggling if people started calling her Mrs Kettleburn. And besides! She liked her name! She pointed at her name tag as she spoke. Where was she? Oh yeah, teaching stuff!

"This seminar is all about easy and fun wandless magic, and I call it FUNcantations and Dance Magic. What do you think a FUNcantation might be? And what about Daaaance magic?" Teehee! She was asking questions!

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you

Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 09-22-2012 at 11:29 PM. Reason: cos I lost Nina's quote somehow O_O
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