Mia and Rhian =) Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad Savannah couldn't help from laugh lightly at Amelia's reaction, it was a happy occasion that she ran into an old friend and aquantance from her Hogwarts days. Though, she should almost have expected it upon deciding to pay Hogsmeade village a visit, she hadn't. All of the Hogwarts children she had known had graduated by this point, and it hadn't crossed the woman's mind that there may be old friends from her own school years visiting too. "The one and only, I hope," The last part added as an after thought, Vannah returned the hug as much as she could with one arm. The other held her son on her hip, where he leaned into her and tried to avoid the hugging. "Nothing in particular, I had a couple of errands to run and people to meet, and then decided to make a side trip to introduce Noah to the place his mummy and daddy use to enjoy going to." Not that they had taken Hayley to Hogsmeade yet, but Noah was small and wasn't likely to tell. Soon enough, Hayley would have her turn. "What about you, Mia, what are you doing out and about in Hogsmeade?"
The little grey-eyed boy cuddled into his mother's side, fidgeting enough to make her shift him slightly until he settled again, staring at curious at Mia and then Rhiannon when she spoke. Savannah nodded, brushing a dark strand of hair from her face. "Yes and yes, I was two years under Mia." And as Vannah remembered, Rhiannon was a very good friend of Mia's during their Hogwarts days. She was fairly certain that was how they had met, otherwise it had been through Curt. Vannah couldn't help but nod, a sympathetic look crossing her features upon hearing that what she assumed was a young child was missing her father. "Quidditch team?" She asked, curiously.
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |