post 2 Wibbly Wobbly | Timey Wimey Taylor moved from her little area and walked across the room. She bent down and picked up a rubbish bag. Tay straighten up and skipped back over to her mannequin and work station. Taylor tried to find the hole to slide the mannequin in but she was having trouble. Soon she was mad as all get out. Tay let the rubbish bag fall from her hands as she counted to ten and did a few deep breaths. Taylor sank down into the chair and put her head in her hands. This has been a terrible month so far... her head still hurt but she didnt want to tell anyone least they make her go to the evil healer. Tay was lucky so far that her friends didnt care too much to make her go to the healer. After a few moments, she stood up and picked up the rubbish bag again. Taylor found the hole this time and slid it over the mannequin. Tay just hope this assignment wont take her too long to do since she needed to go relax before too much longer. Taylor straighten up the rubbish bag and stared at it for a few moments. She looked at her design and then at the rubbish bag again. Why couldnt we just buy new clothes? When will we ever have to use this spell in our lives? Tay liked fashion but she preferred buying rather than... well making, of course. Taylor was a bit picky with her clothes and she, of course, wasnt going to wear the shirt or the outfit except when forced to or when she was sick and laying about on the couch at home since she always went for the name brands. That was why her shirt ideas were simple because simple was easy and easy was fast so therefor simple will be the fastest bet for her walking out of that door over there any time soon.
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