Hogwarts ghosts apparently got bored of floating around the Common Rooms and have taken to disrupting classes. What's it going to be next?
as if worms everywhere are not enough Peeves in CoMC Quote:
Originally Posted by
♦ Peeves ♦
What was this Peeves was hearing from his nearby hiding spot? That professor lady was going to let the kiddies play with FIRE Crabs? Well now, he couldn't let an opportunity such as this one pass him by.
Zooming out from his spot in the trees he made his presence known.
Flying around their heads he spotted a jar of dirt... and worms.
"HAVE NO FEAR, PEEVES IS HERE! HE'LL PUT OUT THOSE FIRES!" Or maybe just feed the crabs.
Swooping down he snatched up the jar FULL of creepy crawlies and started dumping them all over the place. Worms were everywhere! On the ground, tables... on the students, in their hair, slithering down their backs...
Sir Nicholas in Charms Quote:
Originally Posted by
Nearly Headless Nick
Where was the Grey Lady? Sir Nicholas pondered as he floated through walls and floors in his own little bubble. She had said she had something for him when they last spoke. Ascending up through the second floor ceiling his head popped up into the middle of a sandy room full of students rather than through the accustomary wall.
Nicholas rose slowly from the sand and blinked around at the student's that scampered out of the way. He hadn't meant to spook them.