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Sure he might somehow borrowed Alec's hair products from time to time without his knowledge and as far as he knows it didn't smell. Surely Beezus had smelled a boy with more nicer smell than him, right? "And umm..Its Messer, Beezus." Yes, he heard her calling him by his first name twice but he's too stun to give a comment on that.
"Okay. But if there's something wrong tell me, yeah?" So he could ask Scabior permission to get her to the Hospital Wing.
Him? Doing the Repairing Charm? "Yeah. Okay. I can do that." I hope so. He's not really good with Charm but he could try. Please, please, please I beg you wand don't mess this up. He doesn't want to look stupid in front of Beezus.
"Reparo!" Nothing.
"Reparo!" Still nothing. It didn't move not by an inch.
"Umm. Do you think that maybe the train got too cold from the snow?" Since its snowing on September 1st 2048 when the train stopped/crashed.
Hm? It's Messer, what?
OH. Nuh-uh. Not for her. Beezus eyes did a slow, sharp glimpse at the Hufflepuff as she replied, emphasizing each word.
"I am calling you Edvard." Because that was his name. She liked his name and she liked calling him that. So deal with that, yeah
Messer Edvard?
She nodded. Yessir! She was going to tell him. Once again, Beezus moved her hand to caress the boy's cheek for a few seconds as she offered him a warm smile. Don't worry dude.
As she drew her hand away, she watched him do the Mending Charm. It did not work. So maybe it wasn't really what the train needed to work right? The train got cold?
"Yeah, probably.." So they needed a spell that could ease the cold? Fire eh?
Oh, I think I know what she we should do to it," and without waiting for a reply from her partner, her wand's tip was already on the toy train while she said the incantation,
"Incendio!" Whisps of flare spurted from her wand and before she could realize what had happened, the train was already burning!

Oh, she was making it all worse! She was flailing due to panic,
"Messer! I mean Edvard! Waaaaaaaaateeeeeer! Quick! Quick!"