Thread: The Main Buffet
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Old 09-22-2012, 06:52 AM   #61 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
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Text Cut: Natacha
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post

"It’s all very peculiar and nothing really makes any sense. I even doubt that it’s a new stomach bug even if Kensi vomited excessively. Drooling unless I’m wrong doesn’t usually tie in with vomiting, but I’m not an expert." Natasha commented to the women. Had the ministry gotten their own little mystery sickness on their hands? If that was the case then what precautions should she take to avoid contracting whatever bug had made Kensi act weird in the first place?

Then the thought struck her maybe she was already sick but just wasn’t showing signs? No that was silly you couldn’t get sick by just sitting in your cubicle writing reports and creating models of possible event venues right? Putting a clear sock in flailing thoughts Natasha smiled cheerily at the woman closest to her. "Pleasure to meet you Victoria. I used to work in the minister’s office actually until I transferred when a vacancy opened up in Accidents and Catastrophs." She explained.

Spasms were bad!! Tasha was sort of relieved she hadn’t been there when Kensi had started to do that. "I have no idea, if it’s treatable. Have other employees showed similar symptoms?" she wondered out loud. If they had then she hadn’t heard about it or if she had she had just written it off as a variant of the usual bugs that circled the ministry building from time to time.

Sticking her fork into a piece of chicken Tasha plucked it into her mouth and chewed on it. Yummy.

Victoria nodded listening to what Natacha said. The secretary couldn't find any link between drooling and vomiting. However, she too was not an expert. "I find this really confusing."She shook her head. "It probably expert healers to look into the matter." And they should find a treatment very fast!Before other people caught this disease or whatever it was. And thinking of it Victoria glanced at where Kensie threw up and was grateful that she hadn't gotten so close.

"Really? Were you a secretary, an advisor or what position did you fill in?" Victoria asked Natacha when she mentioned that she was a level-one employee. Though Victoria couldn't understand why would the woman want a job in the catastrophes department.You know in level-one Victoria find it peaceful and relaxing. She didn't like being around troubles which wasn't really working out for her those days. However, she thought that it probably had something to do with refreshing the spirit or something. As working in the same position for too long would turn out to be boring and you'd probably feel that you don't have nothing much to give anymore. Victoria knew that someday she might get to that point but she wasn't going to work in catastrophes.

Back to the disease thing, "I think I might have heard that a couple of employees are suffering from the same symptoms." She told Natacha. "Though I'm not sure in which level or whether they got cured." At Level-one you hear people chatting and gossiping especially being a front-desk employee but you never know whether what you heard is true or not.

Text Cut: Ella

Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post

Well, this was certainly strange. Unlike any stomach bug Ella had ever heard of before. She shook her head a little bit. "I have no idea. I'm not really a health expert, but I've never seen anyone drool that much before. And then... vomit." For all she knew, they could be two different sicknesses all together. Poor Kensi.

Victoria nodded at the woman, "Nor am I. It's complicated and it could actually be anything." Victoria said. "Food poisoning or any other illness." She only now wished for Kensi to get better and find a cure to that.

The blonde receptionist glanced at her watch thinking that she should leave soon. Time had flown by since she got to the conference room to meet the new undersecretary.
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