09-22-2012, 01:47 AM
New Vaults and Vault Maintenance Counters Aligning both sides of the main hall are long counters made of a polished rich dark wood. Behind them sit goblins, witches and wizards alike, some appearing more welcoming than others, but all ready to service you for a fee that's been debated by some of the cheaper or less wealthy wizards and witches.
These many counters are where those who need to set-up a new vault come to get assistance. This is also where those who need to add a person to a vault, withdraw or deposit money, and all other vault maintenance come. Make sure those apply for new faults first fill out the proper forms.
Please form an orderly line and the next available attendant will be right with you. All should have their wands ready to be presented, and those with previously established vaults should have vault keys out as well. |