❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Beezus had rather been busy sniffing all of Messer's scent, and that was why the information Professor Scabior had spread on the class adamantly went past her. Hmm. What caused the train to stop Scabbs? A powerful, tricky magic was her general thought on this. Seems like her classmates had the same idea for even before the Ravenclaw could open her mouth, her peers had already shared their soup on the bowl. Oh, okay. No need to keep repeating those things, no?
Turning her attention to the Hufflepuff Captain being called up front, Beezus placed her chin on her left hand, her fingers lightly tapping her cheeks as she listened to the girl's low, stuttering voice.
Eh? What? She heard the words 'Slytherin' and 'Dylan', so of course, she quickly shot her the Slytherin Captain a furtive look. What was this? Another lie, Dylan? Pffft. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes somewhat, she decided not to turn a hair to what the note said. It wasn't her business, so yeah, carry on Captains.
What was moooooooooooore important now was Scabior's well thought speech and the task he was giving them. Since they were on the RIGHT side of the classroom, their train would be one of those that broke on 2048. The one that got into a snow bank, yes?
She and Messer have to fix it.
Yeah, right. With a small pout, she moved closer to her partner and rested her head on his shoulder. Sniff. Sniff.. Maybe he was using red pepper? Chutney figs? Oriental wood? Gosh, can she stay longer in that position?
NUUU. Ahemm. The Ravenclaw cleared her throat and turned to the Hufflepuff. There was work to do. "Sooooo Edvard," HEHE. "...what do you suggest we do to fix this train of ours?"
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Last edited by Tazzie; 09-21-2012 at 09:19 AM.