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"He looked to Nate's lap after the owl debacle and saw Ro's body lying there, dead. "Oh no..." Matt couldn't take it. Anger flared up inside of him, his muscles tensed up, and his eyes became firey with unbridled rage. Literally. That's one thing that Matt had discovered about himself over the summer. By all accounts, he was normal. Well, as normal as a wizard could be. Except for his eyes. In a similar way to Pam's color-changing, Matt's eyes changed, revealing his every emotion.
Matt looked down at Nate, then back up at Pam. "We're putting an end to this. Tonight."
Surya couldn't resist from interrupting after something like that has happened. He could n't understand anything and had to know what really has happened.
He started, "Can anyone of you please tell me in detail of what has happened just know. What happened to that poor animal. What are you putting an end to this night? Please tell me." He was watching at the three of them curiously expecting them to speak. Why are they in an "half-crying" expression. What do they know that Surya didn't.