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So it didn't really matter where Aiden was anymore because he was basically on top of the world no matter his location. Why? Oh, that glimmery ring on Ella's left hand may have had everything something to do with it. Right now, however, his brain was reliving his sixteen-year-old self as his eyes passed over one place and the next.
He was soon pulled - literally and figuratively - from his recollections when his fiance directed his path elsewhere. To a most important elsewhere.
His lips parted in a smile upon hearing her giggle and he gave a nod. "We did." That day he had actually been on the verge of abandoning all his hopes of getting with Ella when she went ahead and reeled him in again. With their first kiss.
Aiden peered around at the otherwise ordinary back alley, then grinned and looked to Ella. Now he took his turn to tug her hand so they were a little closer. "I'm sure this calls for a little reenactment, right?" heh. Aiden Chevalier. Always finagling for some love. Ella was glad to see that Aiden was being a big kid about all this, too. ALSO that he remembered this spot. The place where he'd officially cheated on Patrick.
Lesigh, the drama.
Though maybe he was kinda pushing it. She giggled when he pulled in a bit closer. "
Aiden, there's little kids everywhere!" Sure, all of them were probably off kissing, too. BUUUUT, they were adults now. Instead of a overly done display of affection, Ella simply placed a peck on his cheek.
I miss being their age, don't you?" She sighed, taking a look around at them all. Some were running. Such a kid thing to do, running. "
Have you heard from Patrick or Vanessa lately?" He would be more likely to than her, but... "
We need a reunion or something, with all of us." Yeah.
If Hogwarts had a reunion party in the Great Hall, Ella would pretty much be the happiest person ever. Even if she pretty much hated everyone at school. Umm.