Oops, ok, she was not happy at all with him. HEY he'd helped her! He'd gotten her to the carriages and to help! Sighing he was never going to figure out girls, just never was! How could she be so mad when he'd practically saved her life? Ok, well maybe not saved her life but had helped her when she was hurt right? Shouldn't that mean something???
DON'T GROWL AT HER? BUT SHE WAS EVIL! "It wasn't my fault either..." he muttered to himself. He was sure she was going to yell at him later anyway. That had freakin' hurt!!! He hadn't told anyone because he'd bruised his shoulder before so he hadn't figured he'd done any more then that! He'd even strained it once. Just...never dislocated it.
She was thanking her??? UGH! Ok, well maybe that was a good thing, maybe the healer would be more kind to him if she got a nice thank you. That he wasn't too sure on though. Listening as the healer said 'you're welcome dear' he forced himself not to roll his eyes as she also said he'd not be so stubborn and pigheaded. "Isn' thet the quality of a Slytherin?" he asked, his face mellow refusing to look at either one of them.
Where was he going to go? When she returned he eyed the sling she had in one hand. The potion didn't bother him, and took it drinking it easily, making a face but drinking it all the same. His eyes not leaving the sling he asked "How long do I haf te wear thet?" He prayed it wouldn't be for long! He knew he couldn't play seeker if he had to wear that!
Last edited by The1HBIC; 09-21-2012 at 12:27 AM.