Join Date: Dec 2005 Location: Jamaica
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Belle Bellaire-Moore Fifth Year
x1 x3
| Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity Having been looking around to take in their augmented surroundings, Gideon returned his attention to Professor Bellaire as she finally began the lesson. He nodded on her remark on tidiness, his own uniform already checked before he had entered the room. Right...might as well be semi-comfortable for now he mused himselfas he took one of the chairs to settle in for the moment.And at her first question of the class, the prefect raised his hand to answer. "It cast a shield out from the castor's wand to protect him or her and block spells or other items from reaching them." "Very good Mr.Gert. You are correct. I'm glad you mentioned other items because Protego and in fact other shield charms protected the caster from more than just spells." She nodded at him then moved on and hoped the others were taking notes. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Annabelle saw the professor was starting the class. She took out her quills, parchment and text book from her bag. She was ready to take notes. Then she heard the question the professor asked. She wrote it down, What does the Protego charm do? Belle raised her hand and said,
"Well professor i think it is used to block most of the spells and even physical entities. But the spell will not protect you from curses but it can rebound to the other attacker i have heard when a spell is used." "Good, you are correct. But do not think...KNOW." She was right why second guess yourself? Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz West had his book out already so that was fine, and was sitting in a chair, so that was good too. He was even reasonably tidy for a twelve year old boy. In general he was ready and when class finally started? He was almost past ready. Gosh.
He put his hand up. "Its a shield good for dueling. Shields you from stuff. You can focus it to like one small point or you can make it bigger." In theory? West didn't know how to do it. And he didn't have much faith in learning it today. "It is good for shielding you from..stuff and dueling but as this is not Defense Against the Dark Arts, I'd like you to think of other areas it would be of good use in." Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin She was melting. MELLLLLLLLLLLTINGGGGGGG. Vivi pulled her cloak up over her head, which made her into a sweaty little dementor, but at least she wasn't going to turn into a sweaty little lobster. She could feel the burn coming, and with it peeling skin and freckles and aloe baths.
Good thing class had started, and they were focusing on a defensive spell. Hurray! Vivi's hand shot up, and her voice came from inside her cloak. "Professor, the Protego charm creates a focused shield spell that can repel most low-level hexes. There are stronger shields, but it's a really easy and effective defensive spell for most uses." "Oh very good Miss Braxton!" She was about to move on when she paused. "Please remove the hood, it's not needed just yet." Very good answer though. Quote:
Originally Posted by SweetPeea Violet knew that class had begun as soon as she had heard the door to the class slam behind her. She then looked over at Professor just as she had moved a cloud above everyone's heads so they wouldn't be directly, under the sun's heat, although it wouldn't have bothered her that much if they had been able to remain under the sun. But class had begun and Violet's attention was fully on Professor Bellaire, already prepared with her quill and parchment, along with her text books.
Then the Professor had asked if they knew what the Protego Charm does and Violet's arm instantly shot up. She then said smiling,"The Protego Charm prevents the attacker from penetrating their opponent, making their curse, jinx, or hex rebound." Then she had added on,[B]"It can also cause a shield to form from the caster's wand when it is cast.." The students really seemed to have their minds focused on defensive spells and dueling. Whatever Ramanos was teaching clearly kept them captivated. "Yes the charm does produce a shield." Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Emmanuelle had dozed off slightly with the warmth of the sun and the sand and all that, so when the professor slammed the door shut she jumped. "Huh, what? What happened?" Oh yeah, she was in Charms class. And judging by the fact that the door had been slammed shut, class was starting. Em reluctantly pulled herself up off the sand, Scorgifyed her uniform (making sure everything was perfectly straight while she was at it), and sat down in the nearest chair. Pulling her supplies and textbook out of her bag, she frowned slightly when the sun was covered by a cloud. After all, what was wrong with a little bit of UV?
Putting her hand in the air she answered, [B]"It's the shield charm. It protects the caster during a duel."[/I] She had studied this soo long ago. Why was Hogwarts just now covering it? " The protego is not only used during duels but yes it is a shield charm." Quote:
Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter Protego... Protego... "pro-TAY-go..." Sutton said quietly to herself as she ensured her uniform was in order and set about taking notes. She stared at the word for a moment, then looked around, trying to figure out why it looked familiar. After blinking a few times, she looked back down at her parchment and absentmindedly scribbled the word out. She spelled it wrong. Without much thought, she tried again and wrote, "Protejo."
Because in Spanish, if the infinitive form of the verb ends in -ger, then you have to change the g to a j when conjugated in the present "yo" form.
Err... what?
This wasn't Spanish. This was Charms.
Scribbling it out again, she re-wrote it, "Protego."
Raising her hand with a curious look on her her face, she said, "Professor, sorry... I'm kind of new to this, but... I think... I mean... Does the spell Protego have something to do with protecting because it is REALLY similar to the Spanish verb 'proteger'... which... means to protect..." she finished quietly, putting her hand down slowly and waiting for an answer, hoping she didn't look like an idiot. OOC: Proteger - [Pronounced like pro-tay-HAIR] Well she certainly went through a lot to get to that question but at least she was thinking. "Yes it is a protective charm." She nodded slowly. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi licked her lips when she saw the coconut water. Could they have some? Or...was the woman just going to drink it herself and not let anyone else have any? It was sort of...humid in here, wasn't it? Tropical beach and all that...
Before she could ask, class had officially begun and the seventh year went to grab a chair and got her things out before her hand went up. "Protego is sort of a wizards bread and butter of defensive spells in that it is a charm that creates a shield around you to deflect hexes. There are variations of the charm that can protect against stronger hexes and offensive spells as well as the overall area shielded."
Kurumi swallowed again. So...about that coconut water... "Very good Miss Hollingberry." And if it was wizarding bread and butter. It should be a charm they all aspired to master." She nodded in her direction and moved on. Quote:
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon [/COLOR] She jumped a little in her chair when she heard Professor Bellaire slam the door shut. So much for the relaxing day at the beach feeling, she joked to herself. Uniforms, immaculate? Well aside from the few granules of sand that had latched on, she was fit as a fiddle. The cloud provided a great shady haven for the students. Now I won’t have to worry about getting sunburnt out here, she thought. Is “out here” even right though? I mean, we’re inside, she’s just charmed it to look like the beach. So…in here. Yeah.
Following her professor’s instructions, she placed her book in her lap, then spread a piece of parchment over it. She hoped her ink wouldn’t bleed through onto her book, but she was sure the professor had already considered they may need a writing surface so she didn’t mention it. She held her long plumed quill in her left hand, poised to record any and every note about charms. She wanted to learn all of it and she doubted she could ever learn it too soon.
Oh, she knew the Protego charm! Or at least she thought she did. Her mom had taught it to her once when her little sister was sick. She’d been sneezing all the time and Eliza didn’t much like being sprayed with germs so she had practiced shielding the sickly outbursts. She raised her hand and answered, “The Protego charm blocks things from reaching you, or touching you.” She paused for any immediate signs of disapproval, then went on. “I don’t think it can block really strong things though. Or maybe it can, but the caster just has to practice a lot first.” Not her best answer, but she thought it was ok for her first lesson in charms. She hoped the professor would correct her if she was wrong. The embarrassment was something she was willing to endure, if it meant she’d no longer be spouting misinformation. "Your answer is not far off but as your classmate mentioned.." and well she mentioned it too.. "there are variants of the spell, some stronger and some weaker. And yes practice does make perfect." Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Addie carefully took out her quill, parchment, and textbook balancing the parchment upon her textbook which was upon her lap. Quickly dipping her quill in ink she wrote her name at the top of the parchment. Addie listened carefully to what the teacher had to ask of her and wrote at the top of her parchment protego before attempting to define it herself.
Raising her hand she smiled and began to recite what she remembered. "Protego is the shield charm, it can come in different varieties, but it's main purpose is to protect us from harm I know there is plain old protego and protego horribilis and protego totalum." Addie said as she waited for the teacher's definition. "Very good." She smiled at the girl and nodded vigorously. Very good answer which lead into her next point nicely. "It seems you've all been reading. Three points to all of you who attempted to answer." She stepped a little closer to the students. "As was mentioned by one of your classmates the incantation 'protego' comes form the word 'protect'. The variant of the protego charm that we wil be studying is Protego Caelum. Caelum is the latin word for atmosphere and weather." They could see where she was going with this right? "It's a fairly simple charm that you all will learn..if you apply yourselves. I hope you all remembered to take the appropriate foot wear and your cloaks with you." She looked around the room at all of them. Right moving on. "This charm when performed correctly should be apply to shield you from elements of the weather. Any questions?"
__________________  ...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Last edited by Davvy_Wavvy; 09-20-2012 at 04:02 AM.