My Life With A Werewolf Brother - Sa13+ My Life with a Werewolf Brother
By Scarlett Kellen-O'Connell Book Cover 
Credit to SilverTiger Description:
This is a story about my brother Shane he was born as werewolf. I think it started badly in his early teens and progressed into his twenties. He's been living with a long time and I'm here tell his story. Chapters
1.Growing up With Shane's changes
2.How hard it is to have normal life as a werewolf
4. Chapter One:Growing up with Shane's changes.
Things with Shane had became very odd to Belladonna and Steven. He started growing more then normal hair before full moons. Something was up to them so they began researching werewolves. They found he was transforming into a werewolf on full moons in they woods near their house. Shane started eating raw meats instead of cooked meats its very unhealthy for a normal human.Shane was very good in potions,so he started making Wolfbanes potion in large batches for himself. On full moons he would drink the Wolfsbane potion become more human like. One summer night on full moon he became very powerful and destroyed the whole house he lived in.I had been visiting him off and on in the pasted week I was very much in shock.He was standing their with furry hands and Sharpe fangs, also he had hair around his whole body. I have never seen him close to wolf form. That is when i started getting into the studies of werewolves.
Last edited by ThePastelBookworm; 09-23-2012 at 01:43 AM.