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Matt walked into the Common Room. He quickly found himself a quiet place off in the corner of the room to sit by himself and think. He was secretly hoping that Nate and Pam would soon be in after him. Being new here, he felt intimidated. But he still maintained his dark, distant look. He would not allow these new people to get into his psyche, so he kept himself shrouded in mystery.
Elliot had hurried into the common room...she had LOTS of work to do. Lots. Loooootts.
Her date with Maxwell had gone smoothly, for the most part, but it meant that she was epicly behind on her homework. Ugh. She never was this behind...it was making her more irritable than usual...which is saying a lot, since Elliot is always irritable.
She had her backpack slung over her shoulder and a few books in her hand, including Transfiguration...the subject she was best at at the moment...
The blonde saw a guy, though, sitting in her normal chair. looking all...brooding. Or least trying. Elliot merely stared at him like he was crazy. She wanted him to MOVE. Because
she wanted to sit there. She didn't much have energy to be mean right now, but it was coming...
So maybe, if she just stared long enough at him...he would get the hint...