Join Date: Dec 2005 Location: Jamaica
Posts: 13,701
Hogwarts RPG Name: Belle Bellaire-Moore Fifth Year
x1 x3
| Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious Shoes off. That was the first thing Messer did when he was about to enter the Charms classroom. Instead the usual classroom atmosphere, he was greeted by a beach, sand, and beautiful blue sky. WOW! So this how the Irie Room look like. "Hello, Professor Bellaire. How are you today?" "Good day to you sir." She offered a tilt of her head and even a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel walks in and immediately notices the sand. Since Nigel did not want sand in his shoes. He takes them off, puts them in his bag, and walks over to the professor.
"Hello, Professor Bellaire. Are we having a beach party because that would be awesome!"
It would be so much fun if they would have a party on this beach thing today. "Beach Party? I beg your pardon? NO this is very much a class. No beach party." And he received the first frown of the day. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lockhartian Oh.
OH THIS WAS AMAZING! Lottie suddenly smiled, AND WIDELY, at the sight of this. She was rather wary of this summer scenery since she had no idea what they'll be doing. BUT...OH MERLIN! "GOOD DAY PROFESSOR!" she said, rather loudly, before taking her shoes off and placing them inside her bag before someone decided to charm them away, leaving her shoe-less after the lesson and walking around like a silly Hufflepuff on top of that.
The first year almost bounced her way into the classroom, by the way.
Excitement. Uncertainty. Heh. And this was a fresh face. Sophia assumed she must be a first year. "Good day to you." Quote:
Originally Posted by noodles It would come as no surprise to anyone that knew him, that Thomas Ashley Broadmoor as NOT a fan of Charms. In fact, the only classes he really.. enjoyed was too strong a word; the only classes he really tolorated was Muggle Studies and Creatures, because with those particular subjects he didn't feel like he had failed before he had even begun.
With his bag over shoulder, he crouched down to remove his shoes and socks. He straightened up and walked into the.. 'fingy' room (he couldn't remember the name so that would suffice. He just knew it was a short word with a confusing jumble of letters which all looked the same), to be greeted by a pleasant breeze, soft, warm sand under foot, and the familiar smell of the air in St Ives where his brother and his wife lived. It brought a smile to the young lad's face. This was nice. Charms would be nice today. Maybe Professor Bellaire would allow them to enjoy fish and chips and ice cream. That was what you did in St Ives. The salt air seemed to make everything taste far better than it ever did in London. "Ello, Professah." He greeted the professor.
He spotted lovely Kurumi and walked over to her, giving her a smile in greeting. Hmmmmm. The accent, she had some work to do with this one. "Hello ProfessOR." She corrected but with a smile. "And good day to you sir." Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Charms. Hannah wasn't sure how to take this professor. All she knew is that last year she was pretty anal and well...mental. Still maybe she just thought she had to be that way because it was her first time teaching here. Only time will tell. She walked into the room and was immediately taken off guard. Wow. She sooo wasn't expecting this.
Hannah loved the beach and sun. She didn't like to get dirty though. Hmmm...she was instantly wondering what they would be doing today. She spotted the professor lounging and nodded to her. "Hello professor." She looked around for her friend Elliot to see what she thought about the whole thing. "Hello Miss, you're welcome to take a seat." She gestured to one of the beach chairs under a coconut tree. Quote:
Originally Posted by xXxPandora Irie Room.
The Noticeboards said that they were going to have their first Charms lesson at the Irie Room. Err, so what was an Irie Room? Or more importantly, what was inside it?
Adjusting and straightening her necktie, Beezus pushed open the door that supposedly led to the said room. And to her bewilderment, she was welcomed by a soft, soothing breeze. Hmmmm. Smelled like the sea, and vanilla ice cream, and peppermint. Heh. She glanced around for a while before taking off her shoes and placing it beside the shoes already lined near the entrance.
Wow. This place was epic. She felt like she was on a vacation on a beach or something. The sandy texture brought a tinge of tickling sensation on her notes that she wanted to bury her whole feet on the sand. Ah, there were coconut trees too! She knew how to climb one actually. Hehe.
After a few minutes of being lost in what seemed like an alternate reality, the Ravenclaw walked over to where their Charms Professor was, "Hello Professor Bellaire." Smiiiile. "This is a rather unique room." she commented, clearly impressed. And they were going to hold their class there? Double-triple awesome! "It is unique but then I do have a very unique lesson planned as well. So I do hope you're prepared." Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz "Hello professor." West greeted cheerfully upon entering, but the cheer fell away to suspicion at the state of the room and all. What was wrong with a regular classroom? How was anyone supposed to concentrate when there weren't even any walls?
He found a spot and waited for things to begin, not looking too convinced as of yet. "Hello Mr.Odessa." Oh was that the look of disappointment? Hopefully he wouldn't be disappointed for too long. And even if he was, she'd hope he would at least learn something. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow This was....This was...This was absolutely brilliant! Ella was grinning, bag slung over her shoulder, as she walked into the Irie Room and took in the sights...and scents...of the beach. It was lovely. Bending down, the third year removed her shoes and socks, tucking the latter neatly into her shoes and placing them to the side. "Hello Professor Bellaire, this place looks brilliant!" She greeted excitedly, before heading over to sit next to her favorite 'Uncle.' "Hey Messy!" The blonde said quietly before plopping down in the sand and placing her bag beside her. Now where was Soph? Ells had thought she was right behind her... It did warm her heart to know that they appreciated her favourite beach as much as she did. "Thank you very much." Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Alyssa walked into the classroom and was amazed at what she saw. As she continued to walk in, she realized that the surface she was walking on had changed. It was now sand. Alyssa looked up to see that the entire classroom had changed. It looked like they were on the beach. She could even see coconut trees and smell the ocean air.
Taking off her shoes, so that she could curl her toes in the sand, Alyssa walked up to the Professor.
"You did an awesome job here Professor. Can we get to keep the room the way it is after we're done with class?" Alyssa smiled in greeting.
She turned her head and spotted Ella and Messer and walked over to join them. "Thank you and yes the room will be here for the rest of the term. But you'll need permission to use it." Right she needed to account for the students going in and only the older ones would be able to anyways. Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty As Emmanuelle walked into class, she did a double take. What whhhaaat? Beach? In the middle of Hogwarts? This brought a huge smile to her face, since she had begun to miss the sand already. So it was with eagerness that she slipped her shoes off, letting her toes sink into the stuff for a few seconds before finding herself a seat. Right on the sand. Yep, this was the life. "Hello, professor!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Lollipop! Chaaaaaarms Class.
With the scary teacher. Uh-oh. The little girl skipped into class, taking a couple of seconds to realize that she wasn't skipping on stone floors but... sand? Damn. It was HARD skipping on sand. Frown-y face. Oh and WHAT IN MERLIN'S ANKLES?! Why were they on a beach? And were they inside or outside? Meh. Confusing.
Still frowning, she went up to Bellaire and, wanting to get on her better side gave a very polite "How're you, professor?"
And walked a little bit away and dropped her bag down and sat on it.
She did not want to get sand on her robes, thank you very much. The professor smiled at both girls. Gosh what was the room doing to her? She was smiling a whole lot today. Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower Sarah walked into charms, rather nervously. She had checked her appearnce before she ha come in... this teacher was really fussy with externals.. perhaps it freaked the teacher out too much to delve into her internal appearance... Sarah concentrated her efforts on her internal though, because in her opinion she had no external beauty to think of. "Hello Professor!" she said. She decided to stand for a bit "Good day ladies." Why was that one sitting on her bag now? Chairs were very much available. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake How did she do it? Ariadne was stunned. Upon entering the designated classroom, she was expecting to see ordinary desks and chairs, but she was greeted by a tropical paradise instead. 'Wow, this is breathtaking.' the girl commented out loud. Were they taking a vacation?
With someone as no-nonsense as Professor Bellaire, it was highly unlikely. Still, a student could dream, right? Walking closer to where the Professor sat, Ari greeted politely. 'Hello, Professor. I'm looking forward to whatever it is that we are going to do today. The room looks fantastic.' It was bound to be an interesting class.
After a while, Ariadne decided against sitting down. She hated when sand got everywhere. Yes. Better stand. "Good day and yes I'm looking forward to the lesson as well." She smiled at the girl. Really she could use some cold coconut water. It would be so refreshing right now. Quote:
Originally Posted by Dances_With_Potter Making her way to charms, Sutton had been really nervous. If there was ever a class that would give obvious evidence to how far behind she was, it was going to be Charms class. All it was was magic. Feeling very nervous, Sutton walked into the room and noted the pile of shoes at the door. She slipped off hers and added them to the rows of shoes and entered the classroom... which was actually... a beach?! "Woah!" Sutton uttered in awe as she looked around the room, smiling. Spotting the Professor, she ran across the room to him with a smile. Maybe this class wouldn't be soooo bad. Stopping in front of the professor, she said brightly, "Hello, Professor! I'm Sutton Piatek! I just transfered here this year!" It was seriously beautiful in here!
Looking around, she tried to see if there was anyone else in class yet that she knew. Spotting Minnie, she walked through the warm sand toward her friend. "Minnie! Hi! This is great! Is it always like that?" she asked in a bright voice, her green eyes wide with wonder. This was by far the coolest magic she had seen so far. "Thank you and welcome to Hogwarts and Charms class Ms. Piatek. I hope you'll feel at home here." Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity Wand and common sense were things that would normally or should normally be brought to charms class. But when a cloak and galoshes were mentioned as needed as part of the class announcement, one tended to be warned that something was up. Especially seeing as it wasn't even nasty outside to warrant either so it wasn't like the class would be moving in that direction.
However when Gideon approached the room apparently set aside for the lesson of the day the prefect was confused. One, they were supposed to leave their shoes outside as per usual which the seventh year carefully did, leaving him in his bare feet. And two...they were welcomed by a nice warm islandy landscape complete with sand and palm trees. Would the cloak be needed? he mused to himself as he spotted the professor sitting in a beach chair. "Good day Professor," he greeted politely before going back to his musings. What was that class topic to be today...oh Yeah...something was probably going to happen. So despite the warm feeling now, Gideon left the cloak he had brought with him in his arms as he stood of to one side to await class to begin. This boy..he was smart and followed instructions. The others would learn their lesson though.
[B]"Good day Mr.Gert." Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Belle entered the charms classroom and was excited to see what this lesson was going to be about. Belle was in awestruck by the surroundings. This was amazing and she felt like she was on a tropical beach. It felt like she was vacation with her family again. Belle noticed the professor and she greeted her saying, "Good morning Professor, i am loving the location place." she said with a smile. She took and seat and she took off her cloak because it was quite warm in here. Quote:
Originally Posted by jujune29th Sophie walked in right behind Ella. Whaaaa? She raised both eyebrows as she looked around. That was.... wicked! WIIICKEEED!
Not because it was a beach and all, Sophie only found that amusing, but... it was all CHAAARMs work!! The third year's eyes sparkled as she stood there, taking a good look at every detail of the enchanted room. Wow. Wooow! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!
Sophie HAD TO LEARN HOW TO DO IT!!! She muuusst! Merlin, that was amazing!! Professor Bellaire got a HUGE GRIN from Sophie. "Professor, this is... perfect!!" The SPELL WORK! AWESOME!
When Sophie's brain snapped back to reality, she couldn't see Ella in front of her anymore. Woops. She had gotten totally distracted by the awesomeness of the Charms Professor's work. The badger quickly took off her shoes and left them by the door before rushing in Ella and Messy's direction. Okay so Sophia had to chuckle at the excitement of both girls. Clearly they approved of the room. Good it meant they'd be more receptive right? She hoped so. "Thank you ladies but don't forget we're here to learn." Quote:
Originally Posted by MyPatronusIsaMoose Oakey came into new room and was instantly in shock about it's location. The last time he was at a beach was when...when he was bitten by a Mackled Malaclaw. The damn lobster-thing that started it all.
He wanted to keep his shoes on for sure, to be safe. In case this beach room housed creatures as well.
He took his shoes off, but carried them with him up to the Professor. walking slowly and watching the sand for any kind of movement."Ma'am if it's okay with you. I'd much prefer to keep my shoes on, just in case." "Be by guest." He did have the required items with him though right? Well just wait until class actually started and she was doing her spot checks. For now, they just needed to get settled. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Bellaire's class meant every teeny detail was supposed to be taken care of. Louisa spent half an hour before class fixing her uniform; skirt, tie, shirt, and shoes. Then she wore her cloak and put on galoshes. All the way down to the classroom, her mind raced through several ideas. Maybe they were going to charm those galoshes to they stick to walls and everyone will be wall-walking? Sounded pretty fun.
However, when the Ravenclaw walked into the room, she wasn't hit by the utter cleanness smell as usual but it was... "Huh?" BLINK. Did she just... blackout? Louisa took a moment to recognize her classmates and see the professor sitting there, all relaxed and stuff. She smiled, took her shoes off and walked on, "Hello professor."
Upon seeing Vickers, this whole place was just plain and this 'claw was the reason her face beamed. She headed to where he stood (?) and positioned herself next to him. "Hi," she said a bit timidly.
Not bad timid but good timid. Ya know. Quote:
Originally Posted by verbain Theo looked GOOD, if he said so himself. Sure, everyone knew that professor Bellaire was rather precise about keeping clean and tidy, but Theo also was keen to keep his FAVOURITE professor impressed with him. They were friends, right? Right.
H-h-h-HOLD UP. This room was a beach. It was a beach. Theodore really loved this school sometimes.
"HI, PROFESSOR!" He beamed, kicking off his smart shoes at the door and skipping through the sand. "I like what you've done with the place." The second year lay down straight away and rested his hands behind his head. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo What in Merlin's beard was an 'Irie room'? That was one term that the 11 year old had never been introduced to before. That, of course, was the only reason she even bothered showing up to the terrible Professor's class. Yes. Terrible. What nice Professor would point their wand at a student that came to them for help?!?!
She watched others entering a room and figured that must have been the place. Entering she saw the Professor relaxing....really?
Forcing out a polite tone she turned to the woman. "Good day Professor." That was all she was getting. Nothing more than that.
Now that the Professor was out of the way she took a look around the room. IT WAS AMAZING!!! And so warm too. Walking a few steps further she noticed that her shoes left such distinct marks. NEAT!! She trodded a few steps more so she could marvel at the prints. Then, not needing to be invited to sit, Lex threw herself down on the sand and tried getting more comfortable as she waited for the lesson to begin while occupying herself with the shoe prints in the nice sand...such lovely shoe prints toooo. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry Potters biggest fan As Kai walked swiftly into the room to make sure he was on time, he stopped, his eyes darting to his feet. Eurgh. Sand in his shoes. He grimaced and bent down to remove his shoes and socks, before scrunching his toes into the sand - it felt just like summer again.
He now pushed his attention rather quickly towards his professor, "Good afternoon Professor, how are you today? Did you enjoy your summer?" he asked politely. It was essential to be polite to professors, especially during the first lesson back!
Kai looked around the room at the other students, walked into the middle of them and dropped onto the sand...he could get used to lessons like this. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverDragon Woah, not what she had been expecting to find in Hogwarts, at least not from a professor who was all about order and cleanliness. Another reminder to always expect the unexpected. It reminded her of the changes their former Ancient Runes professor made to his classroom.
Silvia removed her shoes and stepped into the room. She wasn’t keen on getting sand between her toes, but it would be easier to clean than sand-filled shoes. “Hello Professor,” she said as she went to stand beneath a tree. It seemed nice and relaxing here, even though Silvia wasn’t particularly fond of beaches or anything. But she wondered just what kind of lesson this would be. Strange to be holding class in a place that could serve as a distraction for less attentive students. They must be learning something that had to do with the outdoors or weather or something along those lines. "Good day good to you all. And thank you. It took some time but it will be here all term." She looked at her watch then reluctantly got to her feet. It was almost time to start her lesson. Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Elliot was running a little late, having just hastily helped Presley write a letter to her father...while she was very glad they had made up and all, she hadn't been paying attention to the clock! GAH!
So when she stepped into the room...
What. In. Merlin's. Smelly. SOCKS WA GOING ON??!!
'Good day, Professor..." she said, looking around in...shock. SHOCK.
She felt the sand squish down as she stepped on it...she saw Hannah's mane of blonde hair, and immediately set out to sit next to her...she spotted Alexa..."Hey, Lex," she shot her little minion a smirk.and oOOH! Another minion! "Lottie!" she waved at the girl, sending her a smirk as well...she nodded at Beezus...The Ravenclaw that she always seemed to have the same classes with.
She didn't see anyone else, or anyone important, anyways, for Soaps was there...Ew.
Plopping down next to Hannah, she frowned. "I hate the beach," she said immediately...scowling...she didn't want to take her shoes off, she didn't want the blind blowing her hair all over the place...and she most CERTAINLY did NOT want to get WEEETTTT!
She shot Hannah a look that clearly said...GET ME OUTTA' HERE! Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Sand? That wasn't what Kendall had expected upon walking into Charms. Of course, it was Charms class, so things being not like a normal classroom was almost expected. But she felt kind of overdressed in her school robes and the usual combat boots. She'd brought a pair of galoshes in her bag as requested, but she hadn't wanted to wear them. Combat boots worked just as well, as far as she was concerned. She couldn't figure out why cloaks and galoshes were needed at the beach, though. The beach meant swimsuits, and it was definitely warm enough for them, even if it wasn't anywhere other than in the classroom.
She still took her boots and socks off at the door as always was the case, slipping them into her bag too instead of leaving them in the pile by the door. Her boots were more important than that, and she'd still taken them off. So she was still following rules. Plus, it meant that she could squish her toes in the sand as she walked toward the clump of trees slowly. "Hi Professor Bellaire!," she greeted the woman, as she'd passed the beach chair to plop into a seat on the sand. Maybe they'd be able to make sand castles if they got lucky. Although there was still that question of the cloaks and galoshes. Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl At first, Penelope wasn't entirely sure she was in the right place. Weren't they supposed to be in a classroom, not a beach? Not that she minded, really. She liked the beach - or at least, she'd liked the one Coul had taken her to over the summer. This one reminded her a little of that. So this was okay, in her opinion. She took off her shoes and socks, stuffed her socks into her shoes, left them at the door, and stepped barefoot into the sand. Ahhh, this was one of her favorite parts about the beach. The sand felt so nice. "Hi, Professor," she greeted the woman before heading for a spot to sit and wait for class to start. "Good day ladies. Welcome to Charms class. Do get comfortable." She offered them both a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Whyyyy was it so sunny and sandy and flat out HOT in here? Not that Vivi opposed the beach, but she was wearing her thick cloak and plaid wellies and... well...
She was sweltering. Ugh. Vivi wilted against a tree for a bit before squaring her shoulders and joining the rest of the class. "Good day, Professor. Bit sunny today, hmm?" "Good day Miss Braxton." She gave her a knowing smile. "For now perhaps."
__________________  ...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack... |