Sarah's eye brows shot up when he took out the book she had NOT put in the recommended pile. "
A book that I DON'T recommend be read at Hogwarts".
Her fury nearly erupted when he had the audicity to read it. "I
don't know I Do not suggest you try it..." she said icily.
"INTERESTING! YOU CALL TREATING WOMEN AS OBJECTS INTERESTING"then she realized that she was losing it. 1,2,3,4 she counted in her head.
"Sorry about that" she said meekly, "
I just lost it" she said defeatedly.
tThe she turned back to the task at hand, he had added to the lisr.
"Great," she then added to her list
"Now, what are we going to do when things fall into two catergories, like this" she went into a box and pulled out
Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart. "
this could be autobiographial or Defense against the dark arts... What should we do with it?" She asked.