Poor baldy *pets him* Monte get the scissors!!! Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Yes she understood that he was nervous but getting a normal haircut would not make the man bald. It's not like they were going to shine his head like a bowling ball. Besides, if his hair was going to thin or fall out a haircut would not stop that. "Leo you're being silly. You and your hair will be fine."
Sophia frowned. She wasn't sure.
"Well I think we're even but even so, this might not be over. I think I'll just have to be extra careful around Medea for a bit. Women can be tricky you know." She gave him a wink.
Oooh finally the stylist was ready for them. Sophia got to her feet, so she could show him what she wanted him to do with Leo's hair. She ignored Leo's comment about a simple cut or whatever he was whining about. "I want something boyish for him. So you'll want to cut the back low and have a bit of top. So he can feel something when he touches his hair. He's a bit scared of going bald you see."
__________________  ...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack... |