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Harry174 Laura looked at the girl. "And I already told you, that you did run into me." Laura was trying to keep calm, this girl had first run into her then called her stupid and was now trying to blame her. "I know your small but surely you could just appologise and we can get on with our lives." Laura smiled at Lexi, she was being nice here and this girl was just being a pain, why was it whenever she tried to be nice there was always someone trying to get her angry. "And you should respect us not call us stupid." Laura was sure other people wouldn't like to be called stupid.
Why. Was. She. Smiling. So. MUCH.
Merlin, if there was one thing Lex hated it was a patronizing smile. It just gave her the impression that she wasn't being taken seriously. Someone had to start taking her seriously in this school! Honestly, why did they all think they could dismiss her or do whatever they wanted without caring?! She
was a person too!
"I'm not gonna apologize to you! I was standing right here when you ran into me! And for the last time stop calling me small." At least she didn't yell the last part. See? She could calm down too.
Until she heard that.
"I'm not gonna respect people like you, being older doesn't mean you automatically get my respect! Therefore I can call you stupid if I want to and you in particular are VERY stupid because you were crying over a boy." So there! Stupid, stupid.