Text Cut: Ella
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TakemetotheBurrow Ella followed Harvey out of the shop and onto the street, her hand still in his. She was smiling stupidly and she just hoped her cheeks weren't as pink as they felt. Pull it together, Bishop. It's not as if you've never held anyone's hand before. Sheesh. "Oh...right. I kind of didn't think of that...the people asking, thing." She said seriously, wondering what the reaction was going to be. She knew how Minnie was going to react, though. Minnie had been wanting this for a while, yeah? "Course we'll tell Mins. I'll probably see her in the common room when I get back so I could um...tell her if you want." Oh...and there was just one small probably. Teeny really. And he was BIG and STRONG and Ella's Ogre. "Um...Harvs?" The third year said, stopping short suddenly. "I think maybe I should talk to Edric about um...us. He's not too happy with you...I don't think." Which was a bit of an understatement but Ella wasn't going to go into too many details unless questioned. Nope.
They probably looked kinda weird with the huge smiles on their faces but they couldn't help it! It wasn't their fault, ok so maybe it was but still you couldn't blame them! He nodded as she said that she didn't think of people asking questions "
Well once they see this" he held up their hands holding each other "
I think they are bound to ask questions. But we can answer them truthfully no need to hide our happiness" yeah they were happy and they were going to show it. He nodded as she talked about Minnie "
Yeah you can tell her if you want since you are meeting up. Though I can imagine her coming to find me as well, but it's good that you will tell her" he said that way she would know anyways the big news.
He was walking along when he suddenly felt her stop and he looked at her a little concerned as she seemed to be a little worried about something "
Yes Ella?" he questioned as she talked about talking to Edric, who was Edric? Oh yes Ella's friend. "
He isn't too happy with me?" he thought about what she said before he walked towards Ella and stopped next to her and he whispered so that only she could hear him "
You said some things about me right? Some things that he didnt like. Like how bad I was or something. Right?" he knew it was something like that, why else would he dislike Harvs. "
Ok you tell him, it's best it comes from you then." last thing he needed was an angry guy coming over to him.