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Ella hadn't spent too much time in the common room since she'd been back to Hogwarts and she was eager to relax a bit by the cozy fire. Especially since the fall weather was bringing in the colder weather. Winter was definitely on its way. The third year headed right to the fireplace, not even bothering to sit in one of the comfy chairs. Instead she plopped down on the floor in front of the fire, legs crossed in front of her, hands in her lap. Grin. This was nice...and super cozy.
Minerva walked into the common room and smiled, "Hey Ella" she went over to her friend and sat down on the floor next to her. Wondering if there was any news on the Harvella front, she really wanted to ask, but figured that the best thing to do was wait and see if Ella would say something first. Oh she hoped she would say something, Minerva was wanting to know since she saw them together in the candy store at Hogsmeade. Pulling out her bag she grabbed some chocolate frogs and started eating one, "Want one?" she offered to her friend. "So anything new going on?" That wasn't to direct, nope not direct at all.
Minerva looked into the fire and smiled, "Oh hey, I was talking with Laura and we both thought it might be fun for one night to get as many girls together as possible and have a Hufflepuff sleepover. We could use the fourth floor girls dorms if we wanted to do it. I dont' think they would mind and I'm fine with it." She thought it would be a good idea to run it past Ella since she had seen Ella with many puff girls so if she thought it was a good idea then they would go for it.
Damon smiled, seeing that now he didn't have a choice in the matter of dancing. Not that he minded, he missed it actually, but randomly dancing like he'd done with Taylor... It didn't seem like Ariana's thing, "Do I see a blush?" He smirked at her before answering her questions, "I'm just resting, came to check on Grim and Pix. I was actually about to head out to see Ari, we're planning on leaving, seeing how it is a weekend, and spend it camping." He smiled at the idea, even if it wasn't in the woods like it use to be... Seeing his father and Chelle's paranioia after him being kidnapped last year.
Minerva smiled as Damon didn't try to push away or make her stop dancing, she wasn't really ready to stop, so this was a good thing. "I don't know what your talking about, I.. I'm not blushing at all. I'm just glad it was you that came in and not someone else." Yes, thankfully it was Damon, because he wouldnt' think she was totally odd for just dancing around the common room alone. Wow was she becoming a hermit or a loser dancing alone in an empty common room. Pushing that thought away she focused on what he was saying. "Oh yes, Grim and Pix, I haven't seen them so I hope they are playing nice up in the dorm." she joked, but at the same time hoped Grim was playing nice.
Minerva smiled, "Oh see I knew it had to be one or the other since you two are connected at the hip." she teased, "but that's not a bad thing. I am happy for you two." Maybe that was a reason she was being a hermit, her friends all seemed to be dating again and she was being the loner. "Oh camping that sounds fun, just be careful please no getting hurt and you have the mirror if you need anything." she smiled remembering their mirrors.